
Ikuo Awai

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7EEIkuo Awai, Yangjun Zhang, Tetsuya Ishida, Tsuyoshi Suzuki: Principles of Time Domain Calculus of Microwave Resonator Parameters. IEICE Transactions 90-C(12): 2198-2204 (2007)
6EEIkuo Awai: Special Section on Metamaterials for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications. IEICE Transactions 89-C(9): 1265-1266 (2006)
5EEMasashi Hotta, Mitsuo Hano, Ikuo Awai: Modal Analysis of Finite-Thickness Slab with Single-Negative Tensor Material Parameters. IEICE Transactions 89-C(9): 1283-1290 (2006)
4EEKazuki Iwashita, Ikuo Awai, Hiroshi Kubo, Atsushi Sanada: Improvement of Unloaded Q of Dielectric Image Resonator. IEICE Transactions 88-C(1): 34-39 (2005)
3EEAchmad Munir, Noriaki Hamanaga, Hiroshi Kubo, Ikuo Awai: Artificial Dielectric Rectangular Resonator with Novel Anisotropic Permittivity and Its TE10delta Mode Waveguide Filter Application. IEICE Transactions 88-C(1): 40-46 (2005)
2EEIkuo Awai: New Expressions for Coupling Coefficient between Resonators. IEICE Transactions 88-C(12): 2295-2301 (2005)
1EEMasashi Hotta, Mitsuo Hano, Ikuo Awai: SurfaceWaves along a Boundary of Single Negative Material. IEICE Transactions 88-C(2): 275-278 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Noriaki Hamanaga [3]
2Mitsuo Hano [1] [5]
3Masashi Hotta [1] [5]
4Tetsuya Ishida [7]
5Kazuki Iwashita [4]
6Hiroshi Kubo [3] [4]
7Achmad Munir [3]
8Atsushi Sanada (Atushi Sanada) [4]
9Tsuyoshi Suzuki [7]
10Yangjun Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)