
Attila Kuba

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44 Attila Kuba, László G. Nyúl, Kálmán Palágyi: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 13th International Conference, DGCI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, October 25-27, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
43EEStefan Weber, Antal Nagy, Thomas Schüle, Christoph Schnörr, Attila Kuba: A Benchmark Evaluation of Large-Scale Optimization Approaches to Binary Tomography. DGCI 2006: 146-156
42EESara Brunetti, Alain Daurat, Attila Kuba: Fast Filling Operations Used in the Reconstruction of Convex Lattice Sets. DGCI 2006: 98-109
41EEStefan Weber, Thomas Schüle, Attila Kuba, Christoph Schnörr: Binary Tomography with Deblurring. IWCIA 2006: 375-388
40EEAntal Nagy, Attila Kuba: Reconstruction of binary matrices from fan-beam projections. Acta Cybern. 17(2): (2006)
39EEZoltán Kiss, Lajos Rodek, Attila Kuba: Image reconstruction and correction methods in neutron and X-ray tomography. Acta Cybern. 17(3): (2006)
38EEKrisztián Ollé, Balázs Erdöhelyi, Attila Kuba, Csongor Halmai, Endre Varga: MedEdit: A Computer Assisted Image Processing and Navigation System for Orthopedic Trauma Surgery. Acta Cybern. 17(3): (2006)
37EELászló G. Nyúl, Judit Kanyó, Eörs Máté, Géza Makay, Emese Balogh, Márta Fidrich, Attila Kuba: Method for Automatically Segmenting the Spinal Cord and Canal from 3D CT Images. CAIP 2005: 456-463
36EEAttila Tanács, Eörs Máté, Attila Kuba: Application of Automatic Image Registration in a Segmentation Framework of Pelvic CT Images. CAIP 2005: 628-635
35EEAttila Kuba, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Two Remarks on Reconstructing Binary Vectors from Their Absorbed Projections. DGCI 2005: 148-152
34EEPéter Balázs, Emese Balogh, Attila Kuba: Reconstruction of 8-connected but not 4-connected hv-convex discrete sets. Discrete Applied Mathematics 147(2-3): 149-168 (2005)
33EEVito Di Gesù, Attila Kuba: Dedication. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 1 (2005)
32EEVito Di Gesù, Attila Kuba: Preface. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 3 (2005)
31EELászló Ruskó, Attila Kuba: Multi-resolution method for binary tomography. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 299-311 (2005)
30EEAndrea Frosini, Simone Rinaldi, Elena Barcucci, Attila Kuba: An efficient algorithm for reconstructing binary matrices from horizontal and vertical absorbed projections. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 347-363 (2005)
29EEAttila Kuba, László Ruskó, Zoltán Kiss, Antal Nagy: Discrete Reconstruction Techniques. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 385-398 (2005)
28EES. Krimmel, J. Baumann, Zoltán Kiss, Attila Kuba, Antal Nagy, J. Stephan: Discrete tomography for reconstruction from limited view angles in non-destructive testing. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 455-474 (2005)
27EESteffen Zopf, Attila Kuba: Reconstruction of measurable sets from two generalized projections. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 47-66 (2005)
26EEZoltán Kiss, Lajos Rodek, Antal Nagy, Attila Kuba, Márton Balaskó: Reconstruction of pixel-based and geometric objects by discrete tomography. Simulation and physical experiments. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 475-491 (2005)
25EEAntal Nagy, Attila Kuba, Martin Sámal: Reconstruction of factor structures using discrete tomography method. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 519-534 (2005)
24EEAttila Kuba, Maurice Nivat: A sufficient condition for non-uniqueness in binary tomography with absorption. Theor. Comput. Sci. 346(2-3): 335-357 (2005)
23EEAttila Kuba, Antal Nagy, Emese Balogh: Reconstruction of hv-convex binary matrices from their absorbed projections. Discrete Applied Mathematics 139(1-3): 137-148 (2004)
22EEPéter Balázs, Emese Balogh, Attila Kuba: A Fast Algorithm for Reconstructing hv-Convex 8-Connected but Not 4-Connected Discrete Sets. DGCI 2003: 388-397
21EEAttila Tanács, Attila Kuba: Evaluation of a Fully Automatic Medical Image Registration Algorithm Based on Mutual Information. Acta Cybern. 16(2): 327-336 (2003)
20EEAlberto Del Lungo, Vito Di Gesù, Attila Kuba: 9th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: Volume 12 Palermo (Italy), May 14-16, 2003. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 1-2 (2003)
19 Gabor T. Herman, Attila Kuba: Discrete tomography in medical imaging. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(10): 1612-1626 (2003)
18EEEmese Balogh, Attila Kuba, Alberto Del Lungo, Maurice Nivat: Reconstruction of Binary Matrices from Absorbed Projections. DGCI 2002: 392-403
17EEAttila Kuba, Emese Balogh: Reconstruction of convex 2D discrete sets in polynomial time. Theor. Comput. Sci. 283(1): 223-242 (2002)
16EEKálmán Palágyi, Erich Sorantin, Emese Balogh, Attila Kuba, Csongor Halmai, Balázs Erdöhelyi, Klaus Hausegger: A Sequential 3D Thinning Algorithm and Its Medical Applications. IPMI 2001: 409-415
15EEAttila Tanács, Gábor Czédli, Kálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: Affine matching of two sets of points in arbitrary dimensions. Acta Cybern. 15(1): 101-106 (2001)
14EEAttila Kuba, Antal Nagy: Reconstruction of hv-convex binary matrices from their absorbed projections. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 46: (2001)
13 Attila Tanács, Gábor Czédli, Kálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: Point-Based Registration Assuming Affine Motion. AFPAC 2000: 329-338
12EEAttila Kuba, Maurice Nivat: Reconstruction of Discrete Sets with Absorption. DGCI 2000: 137-148
11 Attila Kuba, Martin Sámal, Andrew Todd-Pokropek: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 16th International Conference, IPMI'99, Visegrád, Hungary, June 28 - July 2, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
10EEAttila Kuba: Reconstruction in Different Classes of 2D Discrete Sets (Invited Paper). DGCI 1999: 153-163
9EEKálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: Directional 3D Thinning Using 8 Subiterations. DGCI 1999: 325-336
8 Kálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: A Parallel 3D 12-Subiteration Thinning Algorithm. Graphical Models and Image Processing 61(4): 199-221 (1999)
7EEKálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: A 3D 6-subiteration thinning algorithm for extracting medial lines. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(7): 613-627 (1998)
6 Kálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: A Parallel 12-Subiteration 3D Thinning Algorithm to Extract Medial Lines. CAIP 1997: 400-407
5 Kálmán Palágyi, Attila Kuba: A Thinning Algorithm to Extract Medial Lines from 3D Medical Images. IPMI 1997: 411-416
4EERon Aharoni, Gabor T. Herman, Attila Kuba: Binary vectors partially determined by linear equation systems. Discrete Mathematics 171(1-3): 1-16 (1997)
3EEAttila Kuba: Reconstruction of Unique Binary Matrices with Prescribed Elements. Acta Cybern. 12(1): 57-70 (1995)
2 Attila Kuba: Determination of the structure of the class (R, S) of (0, 1)-matrices. Acta Cybern. 9(2): 121-132 (1989)
1 Dietrich Kölzow, Attila Kuba, Aljosa Volcic: An Algorithm for Reconstructing Convex Bodies form Their Projections. Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 205-237 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Ron Aharoni [4]
2Márton Balaskó [26]
3Péter Balázs [22] [34]
4Emese Balogh [16] [17] [18] [22] [23] [34] [37]
5Elena Barcucci [30]
6J. Baumann [28]
7Sara Brunetti [42]
8Gábor Czédli [13] [15]
9Alain Daurat [42]
10Balázs Erdöhelyi [16] [38]
11Márta Fidrich [37]
12Andrea Frosini [30]
13Vito Di Gesù [20] [32] [33]
14Csongor Halmai [16] [38]
15Klaus Hausegger [16]
16Gabor T. Herman [4] [19]
17Judit Kanyó [37]
18Zoltán Kiss [26] [28] [29] [39]
19Dietrich Kölzow [1]
20S. Krimmel [28]
21Alberto Del Lungo [18] [20]
22Géza Makay [37]
23Eörs Máté [36] [37]
24Antal Nagy [14] [23] [25] [26] [28] [29] [40] [43]
25Maurice Nivat [12] [18] [24]
26László G. Nyúl [37] [44]
27Krisztián Ollé [38]
28Kálmán Palágyi [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [15] [16] [44]
29Simone Rinaldi [30]
30Lajos Rodek [26] [39]
31László Ruskó [29] [31]
32Martin Sámal [11] [25]
33Christoph Schnörr [41] [43]
34Thomas Schüle [41] [43]
35Erich Sorantin [16]
36J. Stephan [28]
37Attila Tanács [13] [15] [21] [36]
38Andrew Todd-Pokropek [11]
39Endre Varga [38]
40Aljosa Volcic [1]
41Stefan Weber [41] [43]
42Gerhard J. Woeginger [35]
43Steffen Zopf [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)