
Eörs Máté

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3EELászló G. Nyúl, Judit Kanyó, Eörs Máté, Géza Makay, Emese Balogh, Márta Fidrich, Attila Kuba: Method for Automatically Segmenting the Spinal Cord and Canal from 3D CT Images. CAIP 2005: 456-463
2EEAttila Tanács, Eörs Máté, Attila Kuba: Application of Automatic Image Registration in a Segmentation Framework of Pelvic CT Images. CAIP 2005: 628-635
1 Marianna Dudasne Nagy, Eörs Máté, Bela Kari: Mathematical Generation of Normal Data for Evaluating Myocardial Perfusion Studies. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 21(11): 1358-1365 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Emese Balogh [3]
2Márta Fidrich [3]
3Judit Kanyó [3]
4Bela Kari [1]
5Attila Kuba [2] [3]
6Géza Makay [3]
7Marianna Dudasne Nagy [1]
8László G. Nyúl [3]
9Attila Tanács [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)