
Vincent Kräutler

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4EEVincent Kräutler, Philippe H. Hünenberger: A multiple time step algorithm compatible with a large number of distance classes and an arbitrary distance dependence of the time step size for the fast evaluation of nonbonded interactions in molecular simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 27(11): 1163-1176 (2006)
3EEMarkus Christen, Philippe H. Hünenberger, Dirk Bakowies, Riccardo Baron, Roland Bürgi, Daan P. Geerke, Tim N. Heinz, Mika A. Kastenholz, Vincent Kräutler, Chris Oostenbrink, Christine Peter, Daniel Trzesniak, Wilfred F. van Gunsteren: The GROMOS software for biomolecular simulation: GROMOS05. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(16): 1719-1751 (2005)
2EEThereza A. Soares, Philippe H. Hünenberger, Mika A. Kastenholz, Vincent Kräutler, Thomas Lenz, Roberto D. Lins, Chris Oostenbrink, Wilfred F. van Gunsteren: An improved nucleic acid parameter set for the GROMOS force field. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(7): 725-737 (2005)
1EEVincent Kräutler, Wilfred F. van Gunsteren, Philippe H. Hünenberger: A fast SHAKE algorithm to solve distance constraint equations for small molecules in molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(5): 501-508 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Bakowies [3]
2Riccardo Baron [3]
3Roland Bürgi [3]
4Markus Christen [3]
5Daan P. Geerke [3]
6Wilfred F. van Gunsteren [1] [2] [3]
7Tim N. Heinz [3]
8Philippe H. Hünenberger [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Mika A. Kastenholz [2] [3]
10Thomas Lenz [2]
11Roberto D. Lins [2]
12Chris Oostenbrink [2] [3]
13Christine Peter [3]
14Thereza A. Soares [2]
15Daniel Trzesniak [3]

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