
Hidekatsu Koike

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18EEHidekatsu Koike, Kiyoshi Akama, Chiharu Ishikawa, Nagatomo Nakamura, Shinya Watanabe: Toward a software development model for automatic marking software. SIGUCCS 2007: 190-193
17EEHiroshi Mabuchi, Kiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Katsunori Miura: Infinite Computation in the Equivalent Transformation Model. JACIII 11(2): 176-186 (2007)
16EEEkawit Nantajeewarawat, Kiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike: Expanding Transformation: A Basis for Correctness Verification of Rewriting Rules. JACIII 11(5): 478-490 (2007)
15EEKiyoshi Akama, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat, Hidekatsu Koike: Program Generation in the Equivalent Transformation Computation Model Using the Squeeze Method. Ershov Memorial Conference 2006: 41-54
14EEHidekatsu Koike, Kiyoshi Akama, Hiko Morita, Katsunori Miura: Using an automatic marking system for programming courses. SIGUCCS 2006: 173-178
13EEHidekatsu Koike, Kiyoshi Akama, Hiroshi Mabuchi: Dynamic Interaction of Syntactic and Semantic Analyses Based on the Equivalent Transformation Computation Model. JACIII 10(3): 302-311 (2006)
12EEYoshinori Shigeta, Kiyoshi Akama, Hiroshi Mabuchi, Hidekatsu Koike: Converting Constraint Handling Rules to Equivalent Transformation Rules. JACIII 10(3): 339-348 (2006)
11 Hiroshi Mabuchi, Kiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Takahiko Ishikawa: Correctness Proof for Equivalent Transformation of Equality Constraints on an Interval-Variable Domain. IC-AI 2005: 627-636
10EEHidekatsu Koike, Takahiko Ishikawa, Kiyoshi Akama, Masaki Chiba, Katsunori Miura: Developing an e-learning System which enhances students' academic motivation. SIGUCCS 2005: 147-150
9EEHiroshi Mabuchi, Kiyoshi Akama, Takahiko Ishikawa, Hidekatsu Koike: Integration of Syntactic Analysis and Semantic Interpretation Based on Equivalent Transformation. JACIII 7(3): 306-314 (2003)
8 E. Boyd, Kiyoshi Akama, Takahiko Ishikawa, Hidekatsu Koike: Dynamic Interaction of Syntactic and Semantic Analysis by Equivalent Transformation. IC-AI 2002: 1040-1046
7EEKiyoshi Akama, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat, Hidekatsu Koike: Program Synthesis Based on the Equivalent Transformation Computation Model. LOPSTR 2002: 278-279
6EEKiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Hiroshi Mabuchi: A Theoretical Foundation of Program Synthesis by Equivalent Transformation. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 131-139
5EEKiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Hiroshi Mabuchi: Equivalent Transformation by Safe Extension of Data Structures. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 140-148
4EEKiyoshi Akama, Ekawit Nantajeewarawat, Hidekatsu Koike: A Class of Rewriting Rules and Reverse Transformation for Rule-based Equivalent Transformation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 59(4): (2001)
3 Hiroshi Mabuchi, Kiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Yoshinori Shigeta: Synthesis of Conversion Rules by Expanding Knowledge Representation. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 434-440
2 Hiroshi Mabuchi, Kiyoshi Akama, Yoshinori Shigeta, Hidekatsu Koike: Semantic Interpretation by Rule-based Equivalent Transformation. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 472-478
1 Yoshinori Shigeta, Kiyoshi Akama, Hidekatsu Koike, Hiroshi Mabuchi: Unreachability for a Class of Rewriting Systems using Two Homomorphisms. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2000: 494-500

Coauthor Index

1Kiyoshi Akama [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
2E. Boyd [8]
3Masaki Chiba [10]
4Chiharu Ishikawa [18]
5Takahiko Ishikawa [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Hiroshi Mabuchi [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [11] [12] [13] [17]
7Katsunori Miura [10] [14] [17]
8Hiko Morita [14]
9Nagatomo Nakamura [18]
10Ekawit Nantajeewarawat [4] [7] [15] [16]
11Yoshinori Shigeta [1] [2] [3] [12]
12Shinya Watanabe [18]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)