
Ned Kock

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24EEGangshu Cai, Ned Kock: An evolutionary game theoretic perspective on e-collaboration: The collaboration effort and media relativeness. European Journal of Operational Research 194(3): 821-833 (2009)
23EENed Kock, Ruth Chatelain-Jardón, Jesus Carmona: Using Surprise in Human-Computer Interfaces to Enhance Knowledge Communication Effectiveness. HICSS 2008: 34
22EENed Kock: Designing E-Collaboration Technologies to Facilitate Compensatory Adaptation. IS Management 25(1): 14-19 (2008)
21EENed Kock: Media naturalness and compensatory encoding: The burden of electronic media obstacles is on senders. Decision Support Systems 44(1): 175-187 (2007)
20 Ned Kock: Bridging the Industry-University Gap through Action Research. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (I) 2005: 292-297
19EENed Kock: Collaborative Information Technologies, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Editor), IRM Press, 2002, 308 pages, ISBN 1-931777-14-4. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(5): 1303-1305 (2005)
18EENed Kock: The three threats of action research: a discussion of methodological antidotes in the context of an information systems study. Decision Support Systems 37(2): 265-286 (2004)
17EERobert M. Davison, Maris G. Martinsons, Ned Kock: Principles of canonical action research. Inf. Syst. J. 14(1): 65- (2004)
16EENed Kock, Camille Auspitz, Brad King: Web-supported course partnerships: bringing industry and academia together. Commun. ACM 46(9): 179-183 (2003)
15EENed Kock, Robert M. Davison: Dealing with Plagiarism in the Information Systems Research Community: A Look at Factors that Drive Plagiarism and Ways to Address Them. MIS Quarterly 27(4): (2003)
14 Robert M. Aiken, Cheryl Sandås, Ned Kock, Munir Mandviwalla: Using case studies to promote life-long learning. TelE-Learning 2002: 145-152
13EENed Kock: Managing with web-based IT in mind. Commun. ACM 45(5): 102-106 (2002)
12EERobert M. Davison, William G. Chismar, Ned Kock, Duncan Langford: Professional Ethics in Information Systems - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
11 Ned Kock: Web-Driven Management Thinking: A Look at Business Process Redesign in the Age of the Web. I3E 2001: 561-572
10EENed Kock: Asynchronous and distributed process improvement: the role of collaborative technologies. Inf. Syst. J. 11(2): 87-110 (2001)
9EENed Kock, Robert M. Davison, Roger Clarke, Karen D. Loch: IS research ethics: defining ethical, barely ethical, and unethical behavior (panel). ICIS 2000: 720-723
8 Ned Kock, Camille Auspitz, Brad King: Using collaboration technologies to enable industry-university course partnerships: an action research study. IRMA Conference 2000: 457-461
7 Dorrie DeLuca, Ned Kock: Improving business processes asynchronously. IRMA Conference 2000: 853-854
6EERobert M. Aiken, Ned Kock, Munir Mandviwalla: Fluency in information technology: a second course for non-CIS majors. SIGCSE 2000: 280-284
5EENed Kock: Benefits for virtual organizations from distributed groups. Commun. ACM 43(11): 107-112 (2000)
4EENed Kock, David E. Avison, Richard Baskerville, Michael D. Myers, A. T. Wood-Harper: IS action research: can we serve two masters? (panel session). ICIS 1999: 582-585
3EENed Kock: A Case of Academic Plagiarism. Commun. ACM 42(7): 96-104 (1999)
2EENed Kock, Robert J. McQueen: Groupware support as a moderator of interdepartmental knowledge communication in process improvement groups: an action research study. Inf. Syst. J. 8(3): 183-198 (1998)
1EENed Kock: Fostering interdepartmental knowledge communication through groupware: a process improvement perspective. GROUP 1997: 29-37

Coauthor Index

1Robert M. Aiken [6] [14]
2Camille Auspitz [8] [16]
3David E. Avison [4]
4Richard Baskerville [4]
5Gangshu Cai [24]
6Jesus Carmona [23]
7Ruth Chatelain-Jardón [23]
8William G. Chismar [12]
9Roger Clarke [9]
10Robert M. Davison [9] [12] [15] [17]
11Dorrie DeLuca [7]
12Brad King [8] [16]
13Duncan Langford [12]
14Karen D. Loch [9]
15Munir Mandviwalla [6] [14]
16Maris G. Martinsons [17]
17Robert J. McQueen [2]
18Michael D. Myers [4]
19Cheryl Sandås [14]
20A. T. Wood-Harper [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)