
Peter Koch

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7 Daniel Lázaro Cuadrado, Anders P. Ravn, Peter Koch: Automated distributed simulation in PTOLEMY II. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 138-143
6EEAnders Brødløs Olsen, Finn Büttner, Peter Koch: On Combined DVS and Processor Evaluation. PATMOS 2004: 322-331
5EEDaniel Lázaro Cuadrado, Peter Koch, Anders P. Ravn: AsmL Specification of a Ptolemy II Scheduler. Abstract State Machines 2003: 417
4EEPeter Koch: A Project-oriented Master Programme in "DSP Algorithms and ASIC Architectures". MSE 1999: 32-33
3 Hans Roelsgaard Jensen, Peter Koch: Simulated Annealing Applied to Compile Time Scheduling onto Multiple DSP Architectures. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 85-88
2EELars Peter Jensen, Peter Koch: An ecological man-machine interface for temporal visualization. IUI 1993: 235-238
1 Peter Koch: Some Problems of Building Process Control Expert Systems. IAS 1986: 742-746

Coauthor Index

1Finn Büttner [6]
2Daniel Lázaro Cuadrado [5] [7]
3Hans Roelsgaard Jensen [3]
4Lars Peter Jensen [2]
5Anders Brødløs Olsen [6]
6Anders P. Ravn [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)