
Peter J. Knoke

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6EEPeter J. Knoke, Wendy Doube, John Lewis, Ariel Ortiz, Alejandro Teruel: Influence of JAVA on Software Engineering Education (panel). CSEE&T 2000: 319
5EECharles P. Howerton, Mary Ann Robbert, Carl Bredlau, Peter J. Knoke: Addressing the Y2K problem in the computing classroom. SIGCSE 1999: 364-365
4EEDon Goelman, Roberta Evans Sabin, Marty J. Wolf, Peter J. Knoke, Mike Murphy: The terminal Master's degree (panel): does it need to be cured? SIGCSE 1998: 355-356
3 Peter J. Knoke: Teleteaching with IDG in interior Alaska. Teleteaching 1993: 513-522
2 Peter J. Knoke: Medium Size Project Model: Variations on a Theme. CSEE 1991: 5-24
1 Peter J. Knoke: Simulation Exercises for Computer Architecture Education. ISCA 1973: 181-185

Coauthor Index

1Carl Bredlau [5]
2Wendy Doube [6]
3Don Goelman [4]
4Charles P. Howerton [5]
5John Lewis [6]
6Mike Murphy [4]
7Ariel Ortiz [6]
8Mary Ann Robbert [5]
9Roberta Evans Sabin [4]
10Alejandro Teruel [6]
11Marty J. Wolf [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)