
Oleg Kiselyov

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35EEYukiyoshi Kameyama, Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: Shifting the stage: staging with delimited control. PEPM 2009: 111-120
34EEOleg Kiselyov, William E. Byrd, Daniel P. Friedman, Chung-chieh Shan: Pure, Declarative, and Constructive Arithmetic Relations (Declarative Pearl). FLOPS 2008: 64-80
33EEYukiyoshi Kameyama, Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: Closing the stage: from staged code to typed closures. PEPM 2008: 147-157
32EEJacques Carette, Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: Finally Tagless, Partially Evaluated. APLAS 2007: 222-238
31EEOleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: Delimited Continuations in Operating Systems. CONTEXT 2007: 291-302
30EEOleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: A Substructural Type System for Delimited Continuations. TLCA 2007: 223-239
29EEOleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan: Lightweight Static Capabilities. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(7): 79-104 (2007)
28EEAndrew Pimlott, Oleg Kiselyov: Soutei, a Logic-Based Trust-Management System. FLOPS 2006: 130-145
27EEOleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan, Amr Sabry: Delimited dynamic binding. ICFP 2006: 26-37
26EEKedar N. Swadi, Walid Taha, Oleg Kiselyov, Emir Pasalic: A monadic approach for avoiding code duplication when staging memoized functions. PEPM 2006: 160-169
25EEAlbert Cohen, Sébastien Donadio, María Jesús Garzarán, Christoph Armin Herrmann, Oleg Kiselyov, David A. Padua: In search of a program generator to implement generic transformations for high-performance computing. Sci. Comput. Program. 62(1): 25-46 (2006)
24EEJacques Carette, Oleg Kiselyov: Multi-stage Programming with Functors and Monads: Eliminating Abstraction Overhead from Generic Code. GPCE 2005: 256-274
23EEOleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan, Daniel P. Friedman, Amr Sabry: Backtracking, interleaving, and terminating monad transformers: (functional pearl). ICFP 2005: 192-203
22EEOleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel: Haskell's overlooked object system CoRR abs/cs/0509027: (2005)
21EEOleg Kiselyov: Implementing Metcast in Scheme. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 18(3-4): 355-370 (2005)
20EEOleg Kiselyov, Kedar N. Swadi, Walid Taha: A methodology for generating verified combinatorial circuits. EMSOFT 2004: 249-258
19EEOleg Kiselyov, Walid Taha: Relating FFTW and Split-Radix. ICESS 2004: 488-493
18EEOleg Kiselyov, Shriram Krishnamurthi: SXSLT: Manipulation Language for XML. PADL 2003: 256-272
17EEOleg Kiselyov: Subclassing errors, OOP, and practically checkable rules to prevent them CoRR cs.PL/0301032: (2003)
16EEOleg Kiselyov: Macros That Compose: Systematic Macro Programming. GPCE 2002: 202-217
15EEOleg Kiselyov: A Better XML Parser through Functional Programming. PADL 2002: 209-224
14EEOleg Kiselyov: SXML specification. SIGPLAN Notices 37(6): 52-58 (2002)
13EEOleg Kiselyov: Type Arithmetics: Computation based on the theory of types CoRR cs.CL/0104010: (2001)
12EEOleg Kiselyov: Secure Counting: counting members of a subset without revealing their identities CoRR cs.CR/0104004: (2001)
11EEOleg Kiselyov, Paul Fisher: Image Compression with Iterated Function Systems, Finite Automata and Zerotrees: Grand Unification CoRR cs.CV/0003065: (2000)
10EEOleg Kiselyov: A network file system over HTTP: remote access and modification of files and "files" CoRR cs.OS/0003064: (2000)
9EEOleg Kiselyov: Why C++ is not very fit for GUI programming CoRR cs.PL/0001003: (2000)
8EEOleg Kiselyov: A network file system over HTTP: remote access and modification of files and files. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track 1999: 75-80
7 Oleg Kiselyov, Richard J. Botting: Comment on ``On the Application of a Popular Notation to Semantics'' and reply from the Autor. SIGPLAN Notices 34(12): 35-36 (1999)
6EEOleg Kiselyov: LAND*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form. ICFP 1998: 336
5EEOleg Kiselyov: Functional Style in C++: Closures, Late Binding, and Lambda Abstractions. ICFP 1998: 337
4EEOleg Kiselyov: A Delegation Language to Request Weather Products and a Scheme of Its Interpretation. ICFP 1998: 343
3EEOleg Kiselyov: A Lazy CGI Namespace in Scheme. ICFP 1998: 349
2 Oleg Kiselyov, Paul Fisher: Image Compression with Iterated Function Systems, Finite Automate and Zerotrees: Grand Unification. Data Compression Conference 1996: 443
1 Oleg Kiselyov, Paul Fisher: Self-Similarity of the Multiresolutional Image/Video Decomposition: Smart Expansion as Compression of Still and Moving Pictures. Data Compression Conference 1994: 331-340

Coauthor Index

1Richard J. Botting [7]
2William E. Byrd [34]
3Jacques Carette [24] [32]
4Albert Cohen [25]
5Sébastien Donadio [25]
6Paul Fisher [1] [2] [11]
7Daniel P. Friedman [23] [34]
8María Jesús Garzarán [25]
9Christoph Armin Herrmann (Christoph A. Herrmann) [25]
10Yukiyoshi Kameyama [33] [35]
11Shriram Krishnamurthi [18]
12Ralf Lämmel (Ralf Laemmel, Ralf Lammel) [22]
13David A. Padua [25]
14Emir Pasalic [26]
15Andrew Pimlott [28]
16Amr Sabry [23] [27]
17Chung-chieh Shan [23] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]
18Kedar N. Swadi [20] [26]
19Walid Taha [19] [20] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)