
Christoph Armin Herrmann

Christoph A. Herrmann

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11EEChristoph A. Herrmann, Armelle Bonenfant, Kevin Hammond, Steffen Jost, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Robert F. Pointon: Automatic Amortised Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. WCET 2007
10EEAlbert Cohen, Sébastien Donadio, María Jesús Garzarán, Christoph Armin Herrmann, Oleg Kiselyov, David A. Padua: In search of a program generator to implement generic transformations for high-performance computing. Sci. Comput. Program. 62(1): 25-46 (2006)
9EEChristoph Armin Herrmann, Tobias Langhammer: Combining partial evaluation and staged interpretation in the implementation of domain-specific languages. Sci. Comput. Program. 62(1): 47-65 (2006)
8EEChristoph A. Herrmann: Generating Message-passing Programs from Abstract Specifications by Partial Evaluation. Parallel Processing Letters 15(3): 305-320 (2005)
7EEChristoph A. Herrmann, Christian Lengauer: Using Metaprogramming to Parallelize Functional Specifications. Parallel Processing Letters 12(2): 193-210 (2002)
6EEChristoph A. Herrmann, Christian Lengauer: A Transformational Approach which Combines Size Inference and Program Optimization. SAIG 2001: 199-218
5 Christoph A. Herrmann, Christian Lengauer: HDC: A Higher-Order Language for Divide-and-Conquer. Parallel Processing Letters 10(2/3): 239-250 (2000)
4EEChristoph A. Herrmann, Jan Laitenberger, Christian Lengauer, Christian Schaller: Static Parallelization of Functional Programs: Elimination of Higher-Order Functions & Optimized Inlining. Euro-Par 1999: 930-934
3 Christoph A. Herrmann, Christian Lengauer: Parallelization of Divide-and-Conquer by Translation to Nested Loops. J. Funct. Program. 9(3): 279-310 (1999)
2 Christoph A. Herrmann, Christian Lengauer: Transformation of Divide & Conquer to Nested Parallel Loops. PLILP 1997: 95-109
1EEChristian Lengauer, Sergei Gorlatch, Christoph A. Herrmann: The Static Parallelization of Loops and Recursions. The Journal of Supercomputing 11(4): 333-353 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Armelle Bonenfant [11]
2Albert Cohen [10]
3Sébastien Donadio [10]
4María Jesús Garzarán [10]
5Sergei Gorlatch [1]
6Kevin Hammond [11]
7Steffen Jost [11]
8Oleg Kiselyov [10]
9Jan Laitenberger [4]
10Tobias Langhammer [9]
11Christian Lengauer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Hans-Wolfgang Loidl [11]
13David A. Padua [10]
14Robert F. Pointon [11]
15Christian Schaller [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)