
András Kéri

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4EEAndrás Kéri, Tamás Kis: Computing Tight Time Windows for RCPSPWET with the Primal-Dual Method. CPAIOR 2007: 127-140
3EEAndrás Kéri, Knut Haase: Simultaneous Vehicle and Crew Scheduling with Trip Shifting. OR 2007: 467-472
2EEAndrás Kéri, Knut Haase: Vehicle and Crew Scheduling with Flexible Timetable. OR 2006: 339-342
1EEAndrás Kéri, Tamás Kis: Primal-Dual Combined with Constraint Propagation for Solving RCPSPWET. OR 2005: 685-690

Coauthor Index

1Knut Haase [2] [3]
2Tamás Kis [1] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)