
Jeffrey H. Kingston

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22EEJeffrey H. Kingston: Hierarchical Timetable Construction. PATAT 2006: 294-307
21EEJeffrey H. Kingston: The KTS High School Timetabling System. PATAT 2006: 308-323
20EEJeffrey H. Kingston: A Tiling Algorithm for High School Timetabling. PATAT 2004: 208-225
19EEJeffrey H. Kingston, Nicholas Paul Sheppard: On reductions for the Steiner Problem in Graphs. J. Discrete Algorithms 1(1): 77-88 (2003)
18EEDavid J. Abraham, Jeffrey H. Kingston: Generalizing Bipartite Edge Colouring to Solve Real Instances of the Timetabling Problem. PATAT 2002: 288-298
17EEJeffrey H. Kingston, Nicholas Paul Sheppard: On the hardness of computing maximum self-reduction sequences. Discrete Mathematics 226(1-3): 243-253 (2001)
16EEJeffrey H. Kingston: Modelling Timetabling Problems with STTL. PATAT 2000: 309-321
15EEJeffrey H. Kingston, Benjamin Yin-Sun Lynn: A Software Architecture for Timetable Construction. PATAT 2000: 342-352
14EEAlan Fekete, Judy Kay, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Kapila Wimalaratne: Supporting reflection in introductory computer science. SIGCSE 2000: 144-148
13EEAlan Fekete, Tony Greening, Jeffrey H. Kingston: Conveying technical content in a curriculum using problem based learning. ACSE 1998: 198-202
12EETony Greening, Judy Kay, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Kathryn Crawford: Results of a PBL trial in first-year computer science. ACSE 1997: 201-206
11EEEdmund K. Burke, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Paul A. Pepper: A Standard Data Format for Timetabling Instances. PATAT 1997: 213-222
10 Edmund K. Burke, Kirk Jackson, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Rupert F. Weare: Automated University Timetabling: The State of the Art. Comput. J. 40(9): 565-571 (1997)
9EETony Greening, Judy Kay, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Kathryn Crawford: Problem-based learning of first year computer science. ACSE 1996: 13-18
8 Tim B. Cooper, Jeffrey H. Kingston: The Complexity of Timetable Construction Problems. PATAT 1995: 283-295
7 Diab Abuaiadh, Jeffrey H. Kingston: Are Fibonacci Heaps Optimal? ISAAC 1994: 442-450
6 Tim B. Cooper, Jeffrey H. Kingston: The Solution of Real Instances of the Timetabling Problem. Comput. J. 36(7): 645-653 (1993)
5 Jeffrey H. Kingston: The Disign and Implementation of the Lout Document Formatting Language. Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(9): 1001-1041 (1993)
4 Jeffrey H. Kingston: A New Proof of the Garsia-Wachs Algorithm. J. Algorithms 9(1): 129-136 (1988)
3 Jeffrey H. Kingston: The Amortized Complexity of Henriksen's Algorithm. BIT 26(2): 156-163 (1986)
2 Jeffrey H. Kingston: Analysis of Henriksen's Algorithm for the Simulation Event Set. SIAM J. Comput. 15(3): 887-902 (1986)
1 Jeffrey H. Kingston: Analysis of Tree Algorithms for the Simulation Event List. Acta Inf. 22(1): 15-33 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1David J. Abraham [18]
2Diab Abuaiadh [7]
3Edmund K. Burke [10] [11]
4Tim B. Cooper [6] [8]
5Kathryn Crawford [9] [12]
6Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [13] [14]
7Tony Greening [9] [12] [13]
8Kirk Jackson [10]
9Judy Kay [9] [12] [14]
10Benjamin Yin-Sun Lynn [15]
11Paul A. Pepper [11]
12Nicholas Paul Sheppard [17] [19]
13Rupert F. Weare [10]
14Kapila Wimalaratne [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)