
José-Marie Griffiths

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6EEHoward Besser, Liz Bishoff, Kati (Ecaterina) Geber, José-Marie Griffiths, Joyce Ray: The virtual and the real: panel on current research on museum audiences and library users. JCDL 2004: 97
5EEJosé-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King: US Information Retrieval System Evolution and Evaluation. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 24(3): 35-55 (2002)
4EERichard J. Cox, Mary K. Biagini, Toni Carbo, Anthony Debons, Ellen Detlefsen, José-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King, David Robins, Richard A. Thompson, Christinger Tomer, Martin B. H. Weiss: The Day the World Changed: Implications for Archival, Library, and Information Science Education. First Monday 6(12): (2001)
3EEM. A. Gibney, Nicholas R. Jennings, N. J. Vriend, José-Marie Griffiths: Market-Based Call Routing in Telecommunications Networks Using Adaptive Pricing and Real Bidding. IATA 1999: 46-61
2EEDonald W. King, José-Marie Griffiths: Economic Issues Concerning Electronic Publishing and Distribution of Scholary Articles. Library Trends 43(4): 713-740 (1995)
1EEJosé-Marie Griffiths, Donald W. King: An Approach to Enhancement of Statistical Survey Databases. SIGIR 1983: 239-245

Coauthor Index

1Howard Besser [6]
2Mary K. Biagini [4]
3Liz Bishoff [6]
4Toni Carbo [4]
5Richard J. Cox [4]
6Anthony Debons [4]
7Ellen Gay Detlefsen (Ellen Detlefsen) [4]
8Kati (Ecaterina) Geber [6]
9M. A. Gibney [3]
10Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [3]
11Donald W. King [1] [2] [4] [5]
12Joyce Ray [6]
13David Robins [4]
14Richard A. Thompson [4]
15Christinger Tomer [4]
16N. J. Vriend [3]
17Martin B. H. Weiss [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)