
T. Kimura

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5EEA. Yasuda, A. Ohkubo, K. Ogata, H. Ueno, T. Anzai, T. Kimura, K. Ochiai, T. Hamasaki: A single-chip audio system with delta-sigma DAC and class-D amplifier. ISCAS 2006
4 S. Omar, T. Kimura: SSH Client for Mobile Phones Using I-Mode. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 677-
3EET. Kimura: A simple simulation method for analyzing substrate coupling. ISCAS (4) 2002: 834-837
2 K. Mori, N. Yoshikawa, K. Morita, T. Kimura, H. Goto, M. Asamori, Y. Kamio, Y. Fukuda: Neo-kaizen Applications on the Generic Operations Support and Renewal. DIISM 2000: 236-243
1 T. Kimura, T. Yoshida: A Study on a Management Interface for VP Protection Switching. ICCCN 1998: 539-547

Coauthor Index

1T. Anzai [5]
2M. Asamori [2]
3Y. Fukuda [2]
4H. Goto [2]
5T. Hamasaki [5]
6Y. Kamio [2]
7K. Mori [2]
8K. Morita [2]
9K. Ochiai [5]
10K. Ogata [5]
11A. Ohkubo [5]
12S. Omar [4]
13H. Ueno [5]
14A. Yasuda [5]
15T. Yoshida [1]
16N. Yoshikawa [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)