
Yongjin Kim

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12EEYongjin Kim, Jingyi Yu, Xuan Yu, Seungyong Lee: Line-art illustration of dynamic and specular surfaces. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(5): 156 (2008)
11EEYongjin Kim, Ahmed Helmy: Attacker traceback with cross-layer monitoring in wireless multi-hop networks. SASN 2006: 123-134
10EEYongjin Kim, Jaehoon Jung, Seokhee Jeon, Sangyoon Lee, Gerard Jounghyun Kim: Telepresence meets racing games. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 381-382
9EEYongjin Kim, Jaehoon Jung, Seokhee Jeon, Sangyoon Lee, Gerard Jounghyun Kim: Telepresence racing game. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 394
8EEYongjin Kim, Ahmed Helmy: SWAT: Small World-based Attacker Traceback in Ad-hoc Networks. MobiQuitous 2005: 85-96
7EEYongjin Kim, Ahmed Helmy: ATTENTION: ATTackEr traceback using MAC layer abNormality detecTION CoRR abs/cs/0508010: (2005)
6EEYongjin Kim: QoS Provisioning with New Effective Bandwidth/Buffer Calculation Scheme in Wireless IP Networks. Telecommunication Systems 28(2): 169-184 (2005)
5EEYongjin Kim: Admission Control and Resource Allocation with Improved Effective Bandwidth/Buffer Calculation Method. ICOIN 2004: 626-636
4EEYongjin Kim, Jae-Joon Lee, Ahmed Helmy: Modeling and analyzing the impact of location inconsistencies on geographic routing in wireless networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 8(1): 48-60 (2004)
3EEYongjin Kim, Jae-Joon Lee, Ahmed Helmy: Impact of location inconsistencies on geographic routing in wireless networks. MSWiM 2003: 124-127
2EEJaehoon Jeong, Seungyun Lee, Yongjin Kim, Yanghee Choi: Design and Implementation of One-Way IP Performance Measurement Tool. ICOIN (1) 2002: 673-686
1EEKyeongJin Lee, Seungyun Lee, Yongjin Kim, ByongChul Kim, Jae Yong Lee: EM-TCP: An Algorithm for Mobile TCP Performance Improvement in a DSRC-Based ITS. ICOIN (2) 2002: 200-211

Coauthor Index

1Yanghee Choi [2]
2Ahmed Helmy [3] [4] [7] [8] [11]
3Seokhee Jeon [9] [10]
4Jaehoon Jeong [2]
5Jaehoon Jung [9] [10]
6ByongChul Kim [1]
7Gerard Jounghyun Kim [9] [10]
8Jae Yong Lee [1]
9Jae-Joon Lee [3] [4]
10KyeongJin Lee [1]
11Sangyoon Lee [9] [10]
12Seungyong Lee [12]
13Seungyun Lee [1] [2]
14Jingyi Yu [12]
15Xuan Yu [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)