
Ki-Young Kim

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10 Ki-Young Kim, Ho-Seok Song, Jung-Ju Lee: Development of a Human arm-liked Robotic Surgical System with Force Measurement for Laparoscopic Surgery. BIOCOMP 2008: 977-983
9 Yong-Sung Jeon, Sang-Woo Lee, Ki-Young Kim: Design of Network Security Platform with two XFI Interfaces using Network Processor. CDES 2007: 118-120
8 Yong-Sung Jeon, Sang-Woo Lee, Ki-Young Kim: An Efficient Design of High Speed Network Security Platform using Network Processor. ESA 2006: 121-123
7EEKi-Young Kim, Seung-Yong Kim, Seok-Yoon Kim: An Efficient Delay Metric on RC Interconnects Under Saturated Ramp Inputs. ICCSA (4) 2006: 612-621
6EEChin-Su Ko, Ki-Young Kim, Rim-Wo Hwang, YoungSeop Kim, Sang-Bum Rhee: Robust Audio Watermarking in Wavelet Domain Using Pseudorandom Sequences. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 397-401
5 Sang-Woo Lee, Yong-Sung Jeon, Jeong-Nyeo Kim, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Soo Jang: Design and Implementation of a Gigabit Router using Network Processor. IMSA 2005: 32-35
4EESeung-Won Shin, Kwang-ho Baik, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Soo Jang: QS-Ware: The Middleware for Providing QoS and Secure Ability to Web Server. ICCSA (1) 2004: 988-997
3EEByoung-Koo Kim, Ik-Kyun Kim, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Soo Jang: Design and Implementation of High-Performance Intrusion Detection System. ICCSA (4) 2004: 594-602
2EESeung-Won Shin, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Soo Jang: LSAD: Lightweight SYN Flooding Attack Detector. ICDCIT 2004: 385-390
1EESeung-Won Shin, Ki-Young Kim, Jong-Su Jang: LRU Based Small Latency First Replacement (SLFR) Algorithm for the Proxy Cache. Web Intelligence 2003: 499-502

Coauthor Index

1Kwang-ho Baik [4]
2Rim-Wo Hwang [6]
3Jong-Soo Jang [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Jong-Su Jang [1]
5Yong-Sung Jeon [5] [8] [9]
6Byoung-Koo Kim [3]
7Ik-Kyun Kim [3]
8Jeong-Nyeo Kim [5]
9Seok-Yoon Kim [7]
10Seung-Yong Kim [7]
11YoungSeop Kim [6]
12Chin-Su Ko [6]
13Jung-Ju Lee [10]
14Sang-Woo Lee [5] [8] [9]
15Sang-Bum Rhee [6]
16Seung-Won Shin [1] [2] [4]
17Ho-Seok Song [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)