
Keesoo Kim

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5 Keesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Raymond E. Levitt, Martin A. Fischer, Charles J. Petrie: Distributed coordination of project schedule changes using agent-based compensatory negotiation methodology. AI EDAM 17(2): 115-131 (2003)
4EEChihiro Ono, Satoshi Nishiyama, Keesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Mark R. Cutkosky, Charles J. Petrie: Trust-Based Facilitator: Handling Word-of-Mouth Trust for Agent-Based E-Commerce. Electronic Commerce Research 3(3-4): 201-220 (2003)
3EEChihiro Ono, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Dai Kanetomo, Mark R. Cutkosky, Keesoo Kim, Charles J. Petrie: Trust-based facilitator for e-partnerships. Agents 2001: 108-109
2 Chihiro Ono, Dai Kanemoto, Keesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Mark R. Cutkosky, Charles J. Petrie: Trust-Based Facilitator for Agent-Based E-Commerce. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 233-239
1EEKeesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Charles J. Petrie, Victor R. Lesser: Compensatory Negotiation for Agent-Based Project Schedule Coordination. ICMAS 2000: 405-406

Coauthor Index

1Mark R. Cutkosky [2] [3] [4]
2Martin A. Fischer [5]
3Dai Kanemoto [2]
4Dai Kanetomo [3]
5Victor R. Lesser [1]
6Raymond E. Levitt [5]
7Satoshi Nishiyama [4]
8Chihiro Ono [2] [3] [4]
9Boyd C. Paulson Jr. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Charles J. Petrie [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)