
Martin A. Fischer

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6EEAna Cristina Bicharra Garcia, John C. Kunz, Martin A. Fischer: Cutting to the chase: improving meeting effectiveness by focusing on the agenda. CSCW 2004: 346-349
5EEJohn Haymaker, John C. Kunz, Ben Suter, Martin A. Fischer: Perspectors: composable, reusable reasoning modules to construct an engineering view from other engineering views. Advanced Engineering Informatics 18(1): 49-67 (2004)
4 Keesoo Kim, Boyd C. Paulson Jr., Raymond E. Levitt, Martin A. Fischer, Charles J. Petrie: Distributed coordination of project schedule changes using agent-based compensatory negotiation methodology. AI EDAM 17(2): 115-131 (2003)
3 Sheryl Staub-French, Martin A. Fischer, John C. Kunz, Kos Ishii, Boyd C. Paulson Jr.: A feature ontology to support construction cost estimating. AI EDAM 17(2): 133-154 (2003)
2 Edward L. Divita, John C. Kunz, Martin A. Fischer: Collaborative desktop engineering. AI in Structural Engineering 1998: 69-85
1EEKathleen McKinney, John C. Kunz, Martin A. Fischer: Visualization of Construction Planning Information. IUI 1998: 135-138

Coauthor Index

1Edward L. Divita [2]
2Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia [6]
3John Haymaker [5]
4Kos Ishii [3]
5Keesoo Kim [4]
6John C. Kunz [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
7Raymond E. Levitt [4]
8Kathleen McKinney [1]
9Boyd C. Paulson Jr. [3] [4]
10Charles J. Petrie [4]
11Sheryl Staub-French [3]
12Ben Suter [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)