
Jin-Sung Kim

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9EEJin-Sung Kim, Hyuk-Jae Lee: A Subfield Coding Algorithm for the Reduction of Gray Level Errors Due to Line Load in a Plasma Display Panel. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(6): 827-839 (2008)
8EEKun Chang Lee, Hyung Rae Cho, Jin-Sung Kim: An expert system using an extended AND-OR graph. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(1): 38-51 (2008)
7EEJin-Sung Kim, Hyuk-Jae Lee: A PDP Sub-field Coding Algorithm for the Reduction of Errors due to Line Load Variation. ISCAS 2007: 3419-3422
6EEYong-Hwa Kim, Jin-Sung Kim, Yong-Sung Kim, Jang-Sup Shim: A Two-Phase Local Server Security Model Based on XML Certificate. ICCSA (5) 2006: 968-978
5EEChun-Sik Yoo, Jin-Sung Kim, Yong-Sung Kim, Jang-Sup Shim: Integrated Object Modeling for Web-Based XML Application Documents. ICCSA (5) 2006: 979-989
4EEJin-Sung Kim, Chun-Sik Yoo, Mi-Kyung Lee, Yong-Sung Kim: Object Modeling of RDF Schema for Converting UML Class Diagram. ICCSA (2) 2005: 31-41
3EEChang-Yun Jung, Jin-Sung Kim, Chun-Sik Yoo, Yong-Sung Kim: A SMIL Document Generating System Using Temporal Scripts of Animation Component. CW 2004: 188-193
2 Jongwon Kim, Jae-Chul Hwang, Jin-Sung Kim, Frank C. Park: Eclipse-II: A New Parallel Mechanism Enabling Continuous 360-degree Spinning Plus Three-axis Translational Motions. ICRA 2001: 3274-3279
1 Young-Chul Shim, Jin-Sung Kim: Evaluation of Scheduling Methods in the Network of Workstations with Heterogeneous Computation Power. PDPTA 1999: 2629-2635

Coauthor Index

1Hyung Rae Cho [8]
2Jae-Chul Hwang [2]
3Chang-Yun Jung [3]
4JongWon Kim (Jongwon Kim) [2]
5Yong-Hwa Kim [6]
6Yong-Sung Kim [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Hyuk-Jae Lee [7] [9]
8Kun Chang Lee [8]
9Mi-Kyung Lee [4]
10Frank Chongwoo Park (Frank C. Park) [2]
11Jang-Sup Shim [5] [6]
12Young-Chul Shim [1]
13Chun-Sik Yoo [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)