
Ozlem Keskin

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4EEEmre Guney, Nurcan Tuncbag, Ozlem Keskin, Attila Gürsoy: HotSprint: database of computational hot spots in protein interfaces. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 662-666 (2008)
3 Aytug Tuncel, I. Halil Kavakli, Ozlem Keskin: Structure Prediction of Potato Large Subunit ADP - Glucose Pyrophosphorylase. BIOCOMP 2006: 315-321
2EEA. Selim Aytuna, Attila Gürsoy, Ozlem Keskin: Prediction of protein-protein interactions by combining structure and sequence conservation in protein interfaces. Bioinformatics 21(12): 2850-2855 (2005)
1EEUtkan Ogmen, Ozlem Keskin, A. Selim Aytuna, Ruth Nussinov, Attila Gürsoy: PRISM: protein interactions by structural matching. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 331-336 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1A. Selim Aytuna [1] [2]
2Emre Guney [4]
3Attila Gürsoy [1] [2] [4]
4I. Halil Kavakli [3]
5Ruth Nussinov [1]
6Utkan Ogmen [1]
7Nurcan Tuncbag [4]
8Aytug Tuncel [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)