
Chris Keen

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4EESimon K. Milton, Edmund Kazmierczak, Chris Keen: Data Modelling Languages: An Ontological Study. ECIS 2001
3 James Brusey, Andrew Jennings, Mark Makies, Chris Keen, Anthony Kendall, Lin Padgham, Dhirendra Singh: RMIT Raiders. RoboCup 1999: 741-744
2EEJohn Lamp, Chris Keen, Cathy Urquhart: Integrating professional skills into the curriculum. ACSE 1996: 309-316
1 Charles A. Lakos, Chris Keen: Modeling a Door Controller Protocol in LOOPN. TOOLS (10) 1993: 31-43

Coauthor Index

1James Brusey [3]
2Andrew Jennings [3]
3Edmund Kazmierczak [4]
4Anthony Kendall [3]
5Charles A. Lakos [1]
6John Lamp [2]
7Mark Makies [3]
8Simon K. Milton [4]
9Lin Padgham [3]
10Dhirendra Singh [3]
11Cathy Urquhart [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)