
Simon K. Milton

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7EESimon K. Milton: Ontological Foundations of Representational Information Systems: An Australian Perspective. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(1): (2007)
6EESimon K. Milton, Edmund Kazmierczak: Ontology as Meta-Theory: A Perspective. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 18(1): (2006)
5EESimon K. Milton, Robert B. Johnston, Reeva M. Lederman, Vivienne Waller: Developing a Methodology for Designing Routine Information Systems Based on the Situational Theory of Action. ECIS 2005
4EERobert B. Johnston, Vivienne Waller, Simon K. Milton: Situated information systems: supporting routine activity in organisations. IJBIS 1(1/2): 53-82 (2005)
3 Simon K. Milton, Edmund Kazmierczak: An Ontology of Data Modeling Languages: A Study Using a Common-Sense Realistic Ontology. J. Database Manag. 15(2): 19-38 (2004)
2EEReeva M. Lederman, Robert B. Johnston, Simon K. Milton: The significance of routines for the analysis and design of information systems: a preliminary study. ECIS 2003
1EESimon K. Milton, Edmund Kazmierczak, Chris Keen: Data Modelling Languages: An Ontological Study. ECIS 2001

Coauthor Index

1Robert B. Johnston [2] [4] [5]
2Edmund Kazmierczak [1] [3] [6]
3Chris Keen [1]
4Reeva M. Lederman [2] [5]
5Vivienne Waller [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)