
David Kearney

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11EEVan Nguyen, David Kearney, Gianpaolo Gioiosa: An Algorithm for Non-deterministic Object Distribution in P Systems and Its Implementation in Hardware. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2008: 325-354
10EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: A Parallel Area Efficient Kolmogorov Phase Screen Generator Suitable for FPGA Implementation. DICTA 2007: 528-532
9EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: Research Issues in Using Reconfigurable Computing to Accelerate Infrared Simulation. DICTA 2007: 569-572
8EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: A high throughput area time efficient pseudo uniform random number generator based on the TT800 algorithm. FPL 2007: 529-532
7EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: A FPGA Implementation of Variable Kernel Convolution. PDCAT 2007: 105-110
6EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: Implementing a Phase Screen Generator in Hardware. PDCAT 2007: 141-146
5EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: High Throughput Multi-port MT19937 Uniform Random Number Generator. PDCAT 2007: 157-158
4EEVan Nguyen, David Kearney, Gianpaolo Gioiosa: Balancing Performance, Flexibility, and Scalability in a Parallel Computing Platform for Membrane Computing Applications. Workshop on Membrane Computing 2007: 385-413
3 Vinay Sriram, David Kearney: A High Speed, Run Time Reconfigurable Image Acquisition processor for a Missile Approach Warning System. ERSA 2006: 241-243
2 Vinay Sriram, David Kearney: An Area Time Efficient Field Programmable Mersenne Twister Uniform Random Number Generator. ERSA 2006: 244-246
1EEVinay Sriram, David Kearney: High Speed High Fidelity Infrared Scene Simulation Using Reconfigurable Computing. FPL 2006: 1-2

Coauthor Index

1Gianpaolo Gioiosa [4] [11]
2Van Nguyen [4] [11]
3Vinay Sriram [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

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