
Saleem A. Kassam

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32EEYang Zhang, Saleem A. Kassam, Vijitha Weerackody: Blind source separation and equalization in asynchronous MIMO DS-CDMA. CISS 2008: 316-319
31EELin He, Saleem A. Kassam: Convergence analysis of blind equalization algorithms using constellation-matching. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(11): 1765-1768 (2008)
30EETrasapong Thaiupathump, Lin He, Saleem A. Kassam: Square contour algorithm for blind equalization of QAM signals. Signal Processing 86(11): 3357-3370 (2006)
29EEFauzia Ahmad, Saleem A. Kassam: Coarray analysis of the wide-band point spread function for active array imaging. Signal Processing 81(1): 99-115 (2001)
28EEYinglu Zhang, Saleem A. Kassam: Blind separation and equalization using fractional sampling of digital communications signals. Signal Processing 81(12): 2591-2608 (2001)
27EEQinqing Zhang, Saleem A. Kassam: Hybrid ARQ with Selective Combining for Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels. ICIP (2) 1997: 692-695
26EEInhyok Cha, Saleem A. Kassam: RBFN restoration of nonlinearly degraded images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(6): 964-975 (1996)
25EERalph T. Hoctor, Saleem A. Kassam: Array redundancy for active line arrays. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(7): 1179-1183 (1996)
24EEFauzia Ahmad, Saleem A. Kassam: A new approach to aperture synthesis using frequency diversity imaging. ICIP 1995: 140-143
23EEVisa Koivunen, Nageen Himayat, Saleem A. Kassam: Multivariate MTM filters-analysis and design options. ICIP 1995: 354-357
22EEK. Anandakumar, Saleem A. Kassam: Nonlinear filtering using generalized subband decomposition. ICIP 1995: 382-385
21 Inhyok Cha, Saleem A. Kassam: Channel Equalization Using Adaptive Complex Radial Basis Function Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(1): 122-131 (1995)
20 Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam: Distributed cell-averaging CFAR detection in dependent sensors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(2): 513-518 (1995)
19 Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam: On the asymptotic relative efficiency of distributed detection schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(2): 523-527 (1995)
18 Visa Koivunen, Nageen Himayat, Saleem A. Kassam: Median and Robust Polynomial Filters for Multivariate Image Data. ICIP (2) 1994: 487-491
17 Inhyok Cha, Saleem A. Kassam: Nonlinear Image Restoration by Radial Basis Function Networks. ICIP (2) 1994: 580-584
16EENageen Himayat, Saleem A. Kassam: A structure for adaptive order statistics filtering. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(3): 265-280 (1994)
15 P. P. Gandhi, Saleem A. Kassam: Optimality of the cell averaging CFAR detector. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(4): 1226- (1994)
14EERichard J. Kozick, Saleem A. Kassam: Synthetic aperture pulse-echo imaging with rectangular boundary arrays [acoustic imaging]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2(1): 68-79 (1993)
13EERalph T. Hoctor, Saleem A. Kassam: High resolution coherent source location using transmit/receive arrays. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1(1): 88-100 (1992)
12EERichard J. Kozick, Saleem A. Kassam: Coarray synthesis with circular and elliptical boundary arrays. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1(3): 391-405 (1992)
11 Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam: Optimum distributed detection of weak signals in dependent sensors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(3): 1066-1079 (1992)
10 Iickho Song, Saleem A. Kassam: Locally optimum rank detection of correlated random signals in additive noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(4): 1311-1322 (1992)
9 Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam: Approximate analysis of the convergence of relative efficiency to ARE for known signal detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(1): 199- (1991)
8 Rick S. Blum, Saleem A. Kassam: Asymptotically optimum quantization with time invariant breakpoints for signal detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(2): 402- (1991)
7 Iickho Song, Saleem A. Kassam: Locally optimum detection of signals in a generalized observation model: The known signal case. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(3): 502-515 (1990)
6 Iickho Song, Saleem A. Kassam: Locally optimum detection of signals in a generalized observation model: The random signal case. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(3): 516-530 (1990)
5 Cheng-Tie Chen, Saleem A. Kassam: Robust multiple-input matched filtering: Frequency and time-domain results. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(6): 812-821 (1985)
4 Cheng-Tie Chen, Saleem A. Kassam: Robust Wiener filtering for multiple inputs with channel distortion. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(4): 674- (1984)
3 George V. Moustakides, Saleem A. Kassam: Robust Wiener filters for random signals in correlated noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(4): 614- (1983)
2 Saleem A. Kassam, George V. Moustakides, Jung Gil Shin: Robust detection of known signals in asymmetric noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(1): 84-91 (1982)
1 Saleem A. Kassam: Robust hypothesis testing for bounded classes of probability densities. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(2): 242- (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Fauzia Ahmad [24] [29]
2K. Anandakumar [22]
3Rick S. Blum [8] [9] [11] [19] [20]
4Inhyok Cha [17] [21] [26]
5Cheng-Tie Chen [4] [5]
6P. P. Gandhi [15]
7Lin He [30] [31]
8Nageen Himayat [16] [18] [23]
9Ralph T. Hoctor [13] [25]
10Visa Koivunen [18] [23]
11Richard J. Kozick [12] [14]
12George V. Moustakides [2] [3]
13Jung Gil Shin [2]
14Iickho Song [6] [7] [10]
15Trasapong Thaiupathump [30]
16Vijitha Weerackody [32]
17Qinqing Zhang [27]
18Yang Zhang [32]
19Yinglu Zhang [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)