
Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi

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24EEE. Ghorbani, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Ch. Maysoori, M. Mohammad-Noori: Inclusion matrices and chains. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 115(5): 878-887 (2008)
23EERichard A. Brualdi, A. Samad Hedayat, Hadi Kharaghani, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Shahriar Shahriari: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 306(23): 2989 (2006)
22EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie: Large sets of t-designs through partitionable sets: A survey. Discrete Mathematics 306(23): 2993-3004 (2006)
21 Abdolhossein Hoorfar, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: On the nonexistence of Steiner t-(v, k) trades. Ars Comb. 75: (2005)
20 Abdolhossein Hoorfar, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: On the existence of trades of large volumes. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
19 Ziba Eslami, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, M. Mohammad-Noori, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie: Some New 4-Designs. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
18EEZiba Eslami, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, M. Mohammad-Noori: Enumeration of t-Designs Through Intersection Matrices. Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 185-191 (2004)
17EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie: Some Indecomposable t-Designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 235-238 (2004)
16EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie: Root cases of large sets of t-designs. Discrete Mathematics 263(1-3): 143-155 (2003)
15 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Ali Shokoufandeh, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi: Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Advanced Lectures (First Summer School on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Tehran, Iran, July 2000) Springer 2002
14 Saeed Akbari, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: On the smallest edge defining sets of graphs. Ars Comb. 63: (2002)
13EEZiba Eslami, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: Some New 6-(14, 7, 4) Designs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 93(1): 141-152 (2001)
12EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie: A New Proof of a Classical Theorem in Design Theory. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 93(2): 391-396 (2001)
11 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Rouzbeh Torabi: Maximal Trades. Ars Comb. 51: (1999)
10 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Hamid Reza Maimani: On 2-(v, 3) Steiner Trades of Small Volumes. Ars Comb. 52: (1999)
9 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Reza Naserasr: Hypergraphical Codes Arising from Binary Trades. Des. Codes Cryptography 18(1/3): 183-186 (1999)
8EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Hamid Reza Maimani, Rouzbeh Torabi: On Trades: An Update. Discrete Applied Mathematics 95(1-3): 361-376 (1999)
7 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, A. Nowzari-Dalini, Rouzbeh Torabi: Trading Signed Designs and Some new 4-(12, 5, 4) Designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 11(3): 279-288 (1997)
6EEB. Kalantari, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: Magic labeling in graphs: Bounds, complexity, and an application to a variant of TSP. Networks 28(4): 211-219 (1996)
5EES. Ajoodani-Namini, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: More on halving the complete designs. Discrete Mathematics 135(1-3): 29-37 (1994)
4EEA. Sadam Hedayat, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, Dibyen Majumdar: A Prospect for a General Method of Constructing t-Designs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 42(1): 31-50 (1993)
3EEGholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, S. Ajoodani-Namini: Combining t-designs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 58(1): 26-34 (1991)
2 Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi, S. Ajoodani-Namini: A New Basis for Trades. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(3): 364-372 (1990)
1 A. Sadam Hedayat, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: An Algebraic Study of BIB Designs: a Complete Solution for v = 6 and k = 3. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 30(1): 43-52 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1S. Ajoodani-Namini [2] [3] [5]
2Saeed Akbari [14]
3Richard A. Brualdi [23]
4Ziba Eslami [13] [18] [19]
5E. Ghorbani [24]
6A. Sadam Hedayat [1] [4]
7A. Samad Hedayat [23]
8Abdolhossein Hoorfar [20] [21]
9B. Kalantari [6]
10Hadi Kharaghani [23]
11Hamid Reza Maimani [8] [10]
12Dibyen Majumdar [4]
13Ch. Maysoori [24]
14M. Mohammad-Noori [18] [19] [24]
15Reza Naserasr [9]
16A. Nowzari-Dalini [7]
17Shahriar Shahriari [23]
18Ali Shokoufandeh [15]
19Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi [15]
20Behruz Tayfeh-Rezaie [12] [16] [17] [19] [22]
21Rouzbeh Torabi [7] [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)