
Ranu Jung

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6EEJoe Graham, Victoria Booth, Ranu Jung: Modeling motoneurons after spinal cord injury: persistent inward currents and plateau potentials. Neurocomputing 65-66: 719-726 (2005)
5EESarvani Grandhe, Ranu Jung: Presence of brain-spinal cord interactions alters lamprey locomotor response to periodic perturbation. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1249-1259 (2001)
4EERanu Jung, Min Shao: Robustness of coarse graining spectral analysis in estimating frequency and Hurst exponent from mixed time series with harmonic and fractal components. Neurocomputing 32-33: 1055-1063 (2000)
3EEDan Li, David S. K. Magnuson, Ranu Jung: Non-stationary analysis of extracellular neural activity. Neurocomputing 32-33: 1083-1093 (2000)
2EERanu Jung, James T. Buchanan, Dan Li: Brain-spinal feedforward-feedback interactions affect output pattern and intracellular properties of motor networks in the lamprey. Neurocomputing 26-27: 749-759 (1999)
1EEElizabeth J. Brauer, Ranu Jung, Denise M. Wilson, James J. Abbas: Analog Circuit Model of Lamprey Unit Pattern Generator. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1997: 137-142

Coauthor Index

1James J. Abbas [1]
2Victoria Booth [6]
3Elizabeth J. Brauer [1]
4James T. Buchanan [2]
5Joe Graham [6]
6Sarvani Grandhe [5]
7Dan Li [2] [3]
8David S. K. Magnuson [3]
9Min Shao [4]
10Denise M. Wilson [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)