
Fabien Jourdan

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11 Romain Bourqui, Paolo Simonetto, Fabien Jourdan: Un algorithme stable de décomposition pour l'analyse des réseaux sociaux dynamiques. EGC 2009: 337-348
10EERomain Bourqui, Fabien Jourdan: Revealing Subnetwork Roles using Contextual Visualization: Comparison of Metabolic Networks. IV 2008: 638-643
9EEFabien Jourdan, Rainer Breitling, Michael P. Barrett, David Gilbert: MetaNetter: inference and visualization of high-resolution metabolomic networks. Bioinformatics 24(1): 143-145 (2008)
8EERomain Bourqui, David Auber, Vincent Lacroix, Fabien Jourdan: Metabolic network visualization using constraint planar graph drawing algorithm. IV 2006: 489-496
7EEFabien Jourdan, Alain Paris, Pierre-Yves Koenig, Guy Melançon: Multiscale Scatterplot Matrix for Visual and Interactive Exploration of Metabonomic Data. VIEW 2006: 202-215
6EEFabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon, Christophe Douy, Alexandre Gasne: Une approche MDS hybride pour l'exploration visuelle interactive. IHM 2005: 263-266
5EEDavid Auber, Fabien Jourdan: Interactive Refinement of Multi-scale Network Clusterings. IV 2005: 703-709
4EEYves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon: Metric-Based Network Exploration and Multiscale Scatterplot. INFOVIS 2004: 135-142
3EEFabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon: Multiscale hybrid MDS. IV 2004: 388-393
2EEDavid Auber, Yves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon: Multiscale Visualization of Small World Networks. INFOVIS 2003
1EEYves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon: Software Components Capture Using Graph Clustering. IWPC 2003: 217-226

Coauthor Index

1David Auber [2] [5] [8]
2Michael P. Barrett [9]
3Romain Bourqui [8] [10] [11]
4Rainer Breitling [9]
5Yves Chiricota [1] [2] [4]
6Christophe Douy [6]
7Alexandre Gasne [6]
8David Gilbert (David R. Gilbert) [9]
9Pierre-Yves Koenig [7]
10Vincent Lacroix [8]
11Guy Melançon [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
12Alain Paris [7]
13Paolo Simonetto [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)