
Philip N. Johnson-Laird

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8EEPhilip N. Johnson-Laird: Models and heterogeneous reasoning. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(2): 121-148 (2006)
7EEGeorg Jahn, Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Markus Knauff: Reasoning About Consistency with Spatial Mental Models: Hidden and Obvious Indeterminacy in Spatial Descriptions. Spatial Cognition 2004: 165-180
6EEMarkus Knauff, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: Reasoning and the Visual-Impedance Hypothesis. Spatial Cognition 2003: 372-384
5EEJean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Yingrui Yang, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: Strategies in sentential reasoning. Cognitive Science 26(4): 425-468 (2002)
4EEEugenia Goldvarg, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: Naive causality: a mental model theory of causal meaning and reasoning1. Cognitive Science 25(4): 565-610 (2001)
3 Monica Bucciarelli, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: Strategies in syllogistic reasoning. Cognitive Science 23(3): 247-303 (1999)
2 Victoria A. Bell, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: A Model Theory of Modal Reasoning. Cognitive Science 22(1): 25-51 (1998)
1EEWalter Schaeken, Vittorio Girotto, Philip N. Johnson-Laird: The Effect of an Irrelevant Premise on Temporal and Spatial Reasoning Zum Einfluß irrelevanter Prämissen auf das zeitliche und räumliche Schließen. Kognitionswissenschaft 7(1): 27-32 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Victoria A. Bell [2]
2Monica Bucciarelli [3]
3Vittorio Girotto [1]
4Eugenia Goldvarg [4]
5Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst [5]
6Georg Jahn [7]
7Markus Knauff [6] [7]
8Walter Schaeken [1]
9Yingrui Yang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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