
K. W. Johnson

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3 Allison M. Okamura, Robert J. Webster III, Jason T. Nolin, K. W. Johnson, H. Jafry: The haptic scissors: cutting in virtual environments. ICRA 2003: 828-833
2 Theresa-Marie Rhyne, M. Bolstad, Penny Rheingans, L. Petterson, W. Shackelford, Mike E. Botts, E. Pepke, K. W. Johnson, William L. Hibbard, Charles R. Dyer, Brian E. Paul, Lloyd Treinish: Visualization Requirements in the Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (Five Case Study Reports). IEEE Visualization 1992: 428-435
1EEK. W. Johnson: Latin square determinants II. Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 111-130 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1M. Bolstad [2]
2Mike E. Botts [2]
3Charles R. Dyer [2]
4William L. Hibbard [2]
5H. Jafry [3]
6Jason T. Nolin [3]
7Allison M. Okamura [3]
8Brian E. Paul [2]
9E. Pepke [2]
10L. Petterson [2]
11Penny Rheingans [2]
12Theresa-Marie Rhyne [2]
13W. Shackelford [2]
14Lloyd Treinish [2]
15Robert J. Webster III [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)