
Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla

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4EEMaria L. Pertegal-Felices, Maria J. Manresa-Iigo, Jose Luis Sánchez-Romero, Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla: The Virtual Debate as a Complementary Evaluation and Learning Method for Large Groups: An Experience with First Year Computer Studies Students. ICALT 2008: 900-904
3EEAntonio Jimeno-Morenilla, Antonio Martínez, Sergio Cuenca, Jose Luis Sánchez-Romero: Accelerating tool path computing in CAD/CAM: A FPGA architecture for turning lathe machining.. FPL 2007: 702-705
2EEHiginio Mora Mora, Jerónimo Mora Pascual, Juan Manuel García Chamizo, Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla: Real-time arithmetic unit. Real-Time Systems 34(1): 53-79 (2006)
1 Antonio Jimeno-Morenilla, Francisco Maciá Pérez, Juan Manuel García Chamizo: Trajectory-based Morphological Operators: A Morphological Model for Tool Path Computation. MSV/AMCS 2004: 352-357

Coauthor Index

1Juan Manuel García Chamizo [1] [2]
2Sergio Cuenca [3]
3Maria J. Manresa-Iigo [4]
4Antonio Martínez [3]
5Higinio Mora Mora [2]
6Jerónimo Mora Pascual [2]
7Francisco Maciá Pérez [1]
8Maria L. Pertegal-Felices [4]
9Jose Luis Sánchez-Romero [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)