
Peng Jia

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7EEPeng Jia, Junyu Dong, Lin Qi, Florent Autrusseau: Directionality measurement and illumination estimation of 3D surface textures by using mojette transform. ICPR 2008: 1-4
6EEPeng Jia, Jie Zhang, Wanyi Gu: Modeling and analysis of a hybrid optical switching system with delay buffer and wavelengths classification. J. High Speed Networks 17(1): 1-12 (2008)
5EEPeng Jia, Junsong Yin, Dewen Hu, Zongtan Zhou: Retrograde adaptive resonance theory based on the role of nitric oxide in long-term potentiation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 23(1): 129-141 (2007)
4EEJoseph E. Beck, Peng Jia, June Sison, Jack Mostow: Predicting Student Help-Request Behavior in an Intelligent Tutor for Reading. User Modeling 2003: 303-312
3EEJoseph E. Beck, Peng Jia, Jack Mostow: Assessing Student Proficiency in a Reading Tutor That Listens. User Modeling 2003: 323-327
2EEJack Mostow, Joseph E. Beck, Raghu Chalasani, Andrew Cuneo, Peng Jia: Viewing and Analyzing Multimodal Human-computer Tutorial Dialogue: A Database Approach. ICMI 2002: 129-134
1EEJack Mostow, Gregory Aist, Joseph E. Beck, Raghuvee Chalasani, Andrew Cuneo, Peng Jia, Krishna Kadaru: A La Recherche du Temps Perdu, or As Time Goes By: Where Does the Time Go in a Reading Tutor That Listens? Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 320-329

Coauthor Index

1Gregory Aist [1]
2Florent Autrusseau [7]
3Joseph E. Beck (Joseph Beck) [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Raghu Chalasani [2]
5Raghuvee Chalasani [1]
6Andrew Cuneo [1] [2]
7Junyu Dong [7]
8Wanyi Gu [6]
9Dewen Hu [5]
10Krishna Kadaru [1]
11Jack Mostow [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Lin Qi [7]
13June Sison [4]
14Junsong Yin [5]
15Jie Zhang [6]
16Zongtan Zhou [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)