
Gene Eu Jan

Ching Yuh Jan

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14 Cheng-Hung Li, Chi-Wei Luo, Show-Wei Leu, Gene Eu Jan: New Mechanism for Buffer Overflow Prevention. IMECS 2006: 481-486
13EEMing-Bo Lin, Jang-Feng Lee, Gene Eu Jan: A Lossless Data Compression and Decompression Algorithm and Its Hardware Architecture. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(9): 925-936 (2006)
12 Chung-Chin Luo, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Gene Eu Jan: Minimal Steiner Trees in X Architecture with Obstacles. CDES 2005: 198-203
11EEGene Eu Jan, Ki-Yin Chang, Su Gao, Ian Parberry: A 4-geometry maze router and its application on multiterminal nets. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 10(1): 116-135 (2005)
10EEGene Eu Jan, Ming-Bo Lin: Concentration, load balancing, partial permutation routing, and superconcentration on cube-connected cycles parallel computers. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(12): 1471-1482 (2005)
9EEGene Eu Jan, Shao-Wei Leu, Cheng-Hung Li: On the Array Embeddings and Layouts of Quadtrees and Pyramids. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(1): 127-141 (2004)
8EEGene Eu Jan, Yuan-Shin Hwang, Ming-Bo Lin, Deron Liang: Novel Hierarchical Interconnection Networks for High-Performance Multicomputer Systems. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(6): 1213-1229 (2004)
7 Gene Eu Jan, Chiou-Min Shen, Shao-Wei Leu, Cheng-Hung Li: The Design and Analysis of an Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. VLSI 2003: 324-328
6 Gene Eu Jan, Lokar J. Y. Lin, W. R. Liou, Y. Y. Chen: The Design and Implementation of a 2048-Bit RSA Encryption/Decryption Chip. VLSI 2003: 329-338
5EEGene Eu Jan, Yuan-Shin Hwang: An Efficient Algorithm for Perfect Load Balancing on Hypercube Multiprocessors. The Journal of Supercomputing 25(1): 5-15 (2003)
4EEGene Eu Jan, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Ming-Bo Lin, Deron Liang: Concentrations, Load Balancing, Multicasting and Partial Permutation Routing on Hypercube Parallel Computers. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 18(5): 693-712 (2002)
3EEDeron Liang, Chen-Liang Fang, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Chyouhwa Chen, Gene Eu Jan: A fault-tolerant object service on CORBA. Journal of Systems and Software 48(3): 197-211 (1999)
2 Gene Eu Jan, Ming-Bo Lin: Effective Load Balancing on Highly Parallel Multicomputers Based on Superconcentrators. ICPADS 1994: 216-221
1 Ching Yuh Jan, A. Yavuz Oruç: Fast Self-Routing Permutation Switching on an Asymptotically Minimum Cost Network. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(12): 1469-1479 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Ki-Yin Chang [11]
2Chyouhwa Chen [3]
3Y. Y. Chen [6]
4Chen-Liang Fang [3]
5Su Gao [11]
6Yuan-Shin Hwang [5] [8] [12]
7Jang-Feng Lee [13]
8Shao-Wei Leu [7] [9]
9Show-Wei Leu [14]
10Cheng-Hung Li [7] [9] [14]
11Deron Liang (De-Ron Liang) [3] [4] [8]
12Frank Yeong-Sung Lin [4]
13Lokar J. Y. Lin [6]
14Ming-Bo Lin [2] [4] [8] [10] [13]
15W. R. Liou [6]
16Chi-Wei Luo [14]
17Chung-Chin Luo [12]
18A. Yavuz Oruç [1]
19Ian Parberry [11]
20Chiou-Min Shen [7]
21Shyan-Ming Yuan [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)