
Ameet Jain

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5EEXiaofeng Liu, Ameet Jain, Gabor Fichtinger: Prostate Implant Reconstruction with Discrete Tomography. MICCAI (1) 2007: 734-742
4EEChristian Labat, Ameet Jain, Gabor Fichtinger, Jerry L. Prince: Toward Optimal Matching for 3D Reconstruction of Brachytherapy Seeds. MICCAI (2) 2007: 701-709
3EEAmeet Jain, Anton Deguet, Iulian Iordachita, Gouthami Chintalapani, J. Blevins, Y. Le, E. Armour, C. Burdette, Danny Y. Song, Gabor Fichtinger: Intra-operative 3D Guidance in Prostate Brachytherapy Using a Non-isocentric C-arm. MICCAI (2) 2007: 9-17
2EEAmeet Jain, Gabor Fichtinger: C-arm Tracking and Reconstruction Without an External Tracker. MICCAI (1) 2006: 494-502
1EEAmeet Jain, Ryan Kon, Yu Zhou, Gabor Fichtinger: C-arm Calibration - Is it Really Necessary?. MICCAI 2005: 639-646

Coauthor Index

1E. Armour [3]
2J. Blevins [3]
3C. Burdette [3]
4Gouthami Chintalapani [3]
5Anton Deguet [3]
6Gabor Fichtinger [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Iulian Iordachita [3]
8Ryan Kon [1]
9Christian Labat [4]
10Y. Le [3]
11Xiaofeng Liu [5]
12Jerry L. Prince [4]
13Danny Y. Song [3]
14Yu Zhou [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)