
Abhishek Jain

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6EESantiago Ontañón, Abhishek Jain, Manish Mehta, Ashwin Ram: Developing a Drama Management Architecture for Interactive Fiction Games. ICIDS 2008: 186-197
5EEAbhishek Jain, Deborah A. Kaminski: Effect of fin number and position on thermal behavior of natural convection in enclosed cavity using fuzzy controller algorithm. FOCI 2007: 516-522
4 Abhishek Jain, Deborah A. Kaminski: CFD analysis of natural convection in enclosed cavity using a fuzzy logic guidance method. Computational Intelligence 2006: 257-262
3 Joon S. Park, Abhishek Jain: A Framework for Trusted Wireless Sensor Networks. DBSec 2004: 371-384
2EEAbhishek Jain, Abhay Karandikar, Rahul Verma: Adaptive prediction based approach for congestion estimation (APACE) in active queue management. Computer Communications 27(16): 1647-1660 (2004)
1EEKalyanmoy Deb, Pawan Zope, Abhishek Jain: Distributed Computing of Pareto-Optimal Solutions with Evolutionary Algorithms. EMO 2003: 534-549

Coauthor Index

1Kalyanmoy Deb [1]
2Deborah A. Kaminski [4] [5]
3Abhay Karandikar [2]
4Manish Mehta [6]
5Santiago Ontañón (Santi Ontañón Villar, Santi Ontañón) [6]
6Joon S. Park [3]
7Ashwin Ram [6]
8Rahul Verma [2]
9Pawan Zope [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)