
Mireille Jacomino

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8EEAlexis Aubry, André Rossi, Marie Laure Espinouse, Mireille Jacomino: Minimizing setup costs for parallel multi-purpose machines under load-balancing constraint. European Journal of Operational Research 187(3): 1115-1125 (2008)
7EEShadi Abras, Stéphane Ploix, Sylvie Pesty, Mireille Jacomino: A Multi-Agent Design for a Home Automation System dedicated to power management. AIAI 2007: 233-241
6 Shadi Abras, Stéphane Ploix, Sylvie Pesty, Mireille Jacomino: A multi-agent home automation system for power management. ICINCO-ICSO 2006: 3-8
5 Duy Long Ha, Stéphane Ploix, Eric Zamaï, Mireille Jacomino: Tabu search for the optimization of household energy consumption. IRI 2006: 86-92
4EEMireille Jacomino, Marie Laure Espinouse, C. Toupet, F. Astolfi: Système temps réel d'aide à la gestion des demandes de transport ferroviaire dans une usine sidérurgique. Journal of Decision Systems 14(4): 451-471 (2005)
3EESébastien Henry, Eric Zamaï, Mireille Jacomino: Real time reconfiguration of manufacturing systems. SMC (5) 2004: 4266-4271
2EES. Crepaux-Motte, Mireille Jacomino, Rene David: An algebraic method for delay fault testing. VTS 1996: 308-315
1 Mireille Jacomino, J. L. Rainard, Rene David: Fault Detection By Consumption Measurement in CMOS Circuits. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1987: 83-94

Coauthor Index

1Shadi Abras [6] [7]
2F. Astolfi [4]
3Alexis Aubry [8]
4S. Crepaux-Motte [2]
5Rene David [1] [2]
6Marie Laure Espinouse [4] [8]
7Duy Long Ha [5]
8Sébastien Henry [3]
9Sylvie Pesty [6] [7]
10Stéphane Ploix [5] [6] [7]
11J. L. Rainard [1]
12André Rossi [8]
13C. Toupet [4]
14Eric Zamaï [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)