
Arthur H. Busch

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6EEArthur H. Busch, Garth Isaak: Recognizing Bipartite Tolerance Graphs in Linear Time. WG 2007: 12-20
5EEArthur H. Busch, Michael Ferrara, Nathan Kahl: Generalizing D-graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(18): 2487-2495 (2007)
4EEDavid E. Brown, Arthur H. Busch, J. Richard Lundgren: Interval Tournaments. Journal of Graph Theory 56(1): 72-81 (2007)
3EEArthur H. Busch: A characterization of triangle-free tolerance graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(3): 471-477 (2006)
2EEArthur H. Busch: A Note on the Number of Hamiltonian Paths in Strong Tournaments. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
1EEArthur H. Busch, Michael S. Jacobson, K. B. Reid: On arc-traceable tournaments. Journal of Graph Theory 53(2): 157-166 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1David E. Brown [4]
2Michael Ferrara [5]
3Garth Isaak [6]
4Michael S. Jacobson [1]
5Nathan Kahl [5]
6J. Richard Lundgren [4]
7K. B. Reid [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)