
M. Ismail

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9EER. Castro-López, D. Rodríguez de Llera, M. Ismail, Francisco V. Fernández: AMS/RF-CMOS circuit design for wireless transceivers. Integration 42(1): 1-2 (2009)
8EES. E. Ghrare, M. A. M. Ali, M. Ismail, K. Jumari: Diagnostic Quality of Compressed Medical Images: Objective and Subjective Evaluation. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2008: 923-927
7EEC. Garuda, M. Ismail: A multiband CMOS RF front-end for 4G WiMAX and WLAN applications. ISCAS 2006
6EEHong Jo Ahn, M. Ismail: GHz programmable dual-modulus prescaler for multi-standard wireless applications. ISCAS (1) 2002: 137-140
5EEYiwu Tang, M. Ismail, S. Bibyk: A new fast-settling gearshift adaptive PLL to extend loop bandwidth enhancement in frequency synthesizers. ISCAS (4) 2002: 787-790
4EE Adiseno, M. Ismail, H. K. Olsson: Dual-loop cross-coupled feedback amplifier for low-IF integrated receiver architecture. ISCAS (4) 2001: 470-473
3EEC.-H. Liu, M. Ismail: A 2 V 5th-order fully-differential CMOS Gm-C filter for wideband communication. ISCAS (2) 1999: 136-139
2EEC.-H. Lin, M. Ismail: Design and analysis of an ultra low-voltage CMOS class-AB V-I converter for dynamic range enhancement. ISCAS (2) 1999: 21-24
1EESang Won Song, M. Ismail, Gyu Moon, Dong Yong Kim: Accurate modeling of simultaneous switching noise in low voltage digital VLSI. ISCAS (6) 1999: 210-213

Coauthor Index

1 Adiseno [4]
2Hong Jo Ahn [6]
3M. A. M. Ali [8]
4S. Bibyk [5]
5R. Castro-López [9]
6Francisco V. Fernández (Francisco Vidal Fernández Fernández) [9]
7C. Garuda [7]
8S. E. Ghrare [8]
9K. Jumari [8]
10Dong Yong Kim [1]
11C.-H. Lin [2]
12C.-H. Liu [3]
13D. Rodríguez de Llera [9]
14Gyu Moon [1]
15H. K. Olsson [4]
16Sang Won Song [1]
17Yiwu Tang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)