
Md. Mafijul Islam

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6EEMd. Mafijul Islam, Magnus Själander, Per Stenström: Early detection and bypassing of trivial operations to improve energy efficiency of processors. Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design 32(4): 183-196 (2008)
5EEMd. Mafijul Islam: On the Limitations of Compilers to Exploit Thread-Level Parallelism in Embedded Applications. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 60-66
4EEMd. Mafijul Islam, Alexander Busck, Mikael Engbom, Simji Lee, Michel Dubois, Per Stenström: Loop-level Speculative Parallelism in Embedded Applications. ICPP 2007: 3
3EEMd. Mafijul Islam: Predicting Loop Termination to Boost Speculative Thread-Level Parallelism in Embedded Applications. SBAC-PAD 2007: 54-61
2EEMd. Mafijul Islam, Per Stenström: Energy and Performance Trade-offs between Instruction Reuse and Trivial Computations for Embedded Applications. SIES 2007: 86-93
1EEMd. Mafijul Islam, Per Stenström: Reduction of Energy Consumption in Processors by Early Detection and Bypassing of Trivial Operations. ICSAMOS 2006: 28-34

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Busck [4]
2Michel Dubois [4]
3Mikael Engbom [4]
4Simji Lee [4]
5Magnus Själander [6]
6Per Stenström [1] [2] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)