
Sylvia Irawati

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4EESylvia Irawati, Sengpyo Hong, Jinwook Kim, Heedong Ko: 3D edutainment environment: learning physics through VR/AR experiences. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 21-24
3EESylvia Irawati, Sang Chul Ahn, Jinwook Kim, Heedong Ko: VARU Framework: Enabling Rapid Prototyping of VR, AR and Ubiquitous Applications. VR 2008: 201-208
2EESylvia Irawati, Scott Green, Mark Billinghurst, Andreas Dünser, Heedong Ko: An Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Multimodal Interface Using Speech and Paddle Gestures. ICAT 2006: 272-283
1EESylvia Irawati, Scott Green, Mark Billinghurst, Andreas Dünser, Heedong Ko: "Move the couch where?" : developing an augmented reality multimodal interface. ISMAR 2006: 183-186

Coauthor Index

1Sang Chul Ahn [3]
2Mark Billinghurst [1] [2]
3Andreas Dünser [1] [2]
4Scott Green [1] [2]
5Sengpyo Hong [4]
6Jinwook Kim [3] [4]
7Heedong Ko [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)