
Hubert R. Dinse

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9EEBarbara Bliem, J. Florian M. Müller-Dahlhaus, Hubert R. Dinse, Ulf Ziemann: Homeostatic Metaplasticity in the Human Somatosensory Cortex. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(8): 1517-1528 (2008)
8EEHubert R. Dinse, Tobias Kalisch, Patrick Ragert, Burkhard Pleger, Peter Schwenkreis, Martin Tegenthoff: Improving human haptic performance in normal and impaired human populations through unattended activation-based learning. TAP 2(2): 71-88 (2005)
7EEStefan Schneider, Christian Igel, Christian Klaes, Hubert R. Dinse, Jan C. Wiemer: Evolutionary Adaptation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Computational Neuroscience. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 5(2): 215-227 (2004)
6EEHubert R. Dinse, Ben Godde, Günter Reuter, Sven M. Cords, Thomas Hilger: Auditory cortical plasticity under operation: reorganization of auditory cortex induced by electric cochlear stimulation reveals adaptation to altered sensory input statistics. Speech Communication 41(1): 201-219 (2003)
5 Hubert R. Dinse, Oliver Schlüter, R. Leonhardt, H. Reinke, Werner von Seelen: Dynamics of Cortical Reorganization: Evidence for Task- and Modality-Specific Coding of Plasticity. ICONIP 1998: 609-612
4 Christian W. Eurich, Hubert R. Dinse, Ulrike Dicke, Ben Godde, Helmut Schwegler: Coarse Coding Accouts for Improvement of Spatial Discrimination after Plastic Reorganization in Rats and Humans. ICANN 1997: 55-60
3 Marianne Andres, Oliver Schlüter, Friederike Spengler, Hubert R. Dinse: Modification of Kohonen's SOFM to Simulate Cortical Plasticity Induced by Coactivation Input Patterns. ICANN 1996: 421-426
2 Dirk Jancke, Amir C. Akhavan, Wolfram Erlhagen, Martin A. Giese, Axel Steinhage, Gregor Schöner, Hubert R. Dinse: Population Coding in Cat Visual Cortex Reveals Nonlinear Interactions as Predicted by a Neural Field Model. ICANN 1996: 641-648
1 Hubert R. Dinse, Ben Godde, Thomas Hilger, Günter Reuter, Sven M. Cords, T. Lenarz, Werner von Seelen: Visualization of Cat Auditory Cortical Functional Organization after Electrical Stimulation with a Multi-Channel Cochlear Implant by Means of Optical Imaging. VBC 1996: 483-488

Coauthor Index

1Amir C. Akhavan [2]
2Marianne Andres [3]
3Barbara Bliem [9]
4Sven M. Cords [1] [6]
5Ulrike Dicke [4]
6Wolfram Erlhagen [2]
7Christian W. Eurich [4]
8Martin A. Giese [2]
9Ben Godde [1] [4] [6]
10Thomas Hilger [1] [6]
11Christian Igel [7]
12Dirk Jancke [2]
13Tobias Kalisch [8]
14Christian Klaes [7]
15T. Lenarz [1]
16R. Leonhardt [5]
17J. Florian M. Müller-Dahlhaus [9]
18Burkhard Pleger [8]
19Patrick Ragert [8]
20H. Reinke [5]
21Günter Reuter [1] [6]
22Oliver Schlüter [3] [5]
23Stefan Schneider [7]
24Gregor Schöner [2]
25Helmut Schwegler [4]
26Peter Schwenkreis [8]
27Werner von Seelen [1] [5]
28Friederike Spengler [3]
29Axel Steinhage [2]
30Martin Tegenthoff [8]
31Jan C. Wiemer [7]
32Ulf Ziemann [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)