
Jesús Ibáñez

Jesús Ibáñez-Martínez

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31EEJesús Ibáñez, Oscar Serrano, David García, Carlos Delgado-Mata: Memotice Board: A Notice Board with Spatio-temporal Memory. Edutainment 2008: 401-409
30EEJesús Ibáñez, Oscar Serrano, David García: DINDOW: Towards an Interaction Based on Spatio-temporal Memory. VISUAL 2008: 271-278
29EEJesús Ibáñez, David García, Oscar Serrano: Musimage: A System for Automatically Presenting Pictures Depending on the Music Being Played. VISUAL 2008: 319-322
28EEJesús Ibáñez-Martínez, Carlos Delgado-Mata, Oscar Serrano, David García Narbona: Animal Flocks as Natural and Dynamic Spatial Clues in Adventure Video-games. IJVR 7(2): 73-80 (2008)
27EEFrederic Kleinermann, Haithem Mansouri, Olga De Troyer, Bram Pellens, Jesús Ibáñez-Martínez: Designing and Using Semantic Virtual Environment over the Web. IJVR 7(3): 53-58 (2008)
26EEJesús Ibáñez, Carlos Delgado-Mata: Introduction to the special issue on intelligent virtual environments and virtual agents. Knowledge Eng. Review 23(4): 317-319 (2008)
25EEJesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett, Carlos Delgado-Mata, Beatriz Molinuevo: On the implications of the virtual storyteller's point of view. Knowledge Eng. Review 23(4): 339-367 (2008)
24EECarlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez-Martínez, Felipe Gómez-Caballero, Oscar Miguel Guillén-Hernández: Behavioural Reactive Agents to Define Personality Traits in the Videogame Überpong. T. Edutainment 1: 135-149 (2008)
23EECarlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez: Behavioural Reactive Agents for Video Game Opponents with Personalities. IVA 2007: 371-372
22EEJesús Pérez, Jesús Ibáñez, Luis Vielva, David J. Perez-Blanco, Ignacio Santamaría: Tight closed-form approximation for the ergodic capacity of orthogonal STBC. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(2): 452-457 (2007)
21EECarlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez-Martínez, Simon Bee, Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte, Ruth Aylett: On the Use of Virtual Animals with Artificial Fear in Virtual Environments. New Generation Comput. 25(2): 145-169 (2007)
20EECarlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez: An Emotion Affected Action Selection Mechanism for Multiple Virtual Agents. ICAT Workshops 2006: 57-63
19EEJesús Ibáñez, David García, Oscar Serrano, Josep Blat, Raquel Navarro: Towards Affective Collages of Presences. UIC 2006: 1154-1163
18EEJesús Ibáñez, Carlos Delgado-Mata: A Basic Semantic Common Level for Virtual Environments. IJVR 5(3): 25-32 (2006)
17 Carlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez: Intelligent Virtual Environments and Virtual Agents, Proceedings of the IVEVA 2004 Workshop, ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City, D.F , Mexico, April 27th 2004 CEUR-WS.org 2004
16EELuis Vielva, Ignacio Santamaría, Jesús Ibáñez, Deniz Erdogmus, José Carlos Príncipe: On the Estimation of the Mixing Matrix for Underdetermined Blind Source Separation in an Arbitrary Number of Dimensions. ICA 2004: 185-192
15EEJesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett: Welcome to MY Virtual Place. IVEVA 2004
14EEJesús Ibáñez, Carlos Delgado-Mata, Ruth Aylett, Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte: Don't You Escape! I'll Tell You My Story. MICAI 2004: 49-58
13EEJesús Ibáñez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Josep Blat: Querying Virtual Worlds. A Fuzzy Approach. MICAI 2004: 59-68
12EEJesús Pérez, Jesús Ibáñez, Luis Vielva, Ignacio Santamaría: Performance of MIMO systems based on dual-polarized antennas in urban microcellular environments. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1401-1404
11EEJosé Diez, Carlos Pantaleón, Luis Vielva, Ignacio Santamaría, Jesús Ibáñez: A simple expression for the optimization of spread-spectrum code acquisition detectors operating in the presence of carrier-frequency offset. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(4): 550-552 (2004)
10EEDavid Luengo, Carlos Ramon Pantaleon Dionisio, Ignacio Santamaría, Luis Vielva, Jesús Ibáñez: Multiple Composite Hypothesis Testing: A Competitive Approach. VLSI Signal Processing 37(2-3): 319-331 (2004)
9EEJesús Ibáñez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Josep Blat: DJ-Boids: Flocks of DJ's to Program Internet Multichannel Radio Stations. AWIC 2003: 54-61
8EEJesús Ibáñez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Josep Blat: DJ-boids: emergent collective behavior as multichannel radio station programming. IUI 2003: 248-250
7EEJesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett, Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte: That's My Point! Telling Stories from a Virtual Guide Perspective. IVA 2003: 249-253
6EECarlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett: Let's run for It!: Conspecific Emotional Flocking Triggered via Virtual Pheromones. Smart Graphics 2003: 131-140
5EEMarcelino Lázaro, Ignacio Santamaría, Carlos Pantaleón, Jesús Ibáñez, Luis Vielva: A regularized technique for the simultaneous reconstruction of a function and its derivatives with application to nonlinear transistor modeling. Signal Processing 83(9): 1859-1870 (2003)
4EEJesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett, Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte: Storytelling in virtual environments from a virtual guide perspective. Virtual Reality 7(1): 30-42 (2003)
3EEIker Azpeitia, Jesús Ibáñez: Spontaneous Emergence of Robust Cellular Replicators. ACRI 2002: 132-143
2 Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Fernando Jiménez, Jesús Ibáñez: Pareto-optimality in Scheduling Problems. Fuzzy Days 1999: 177-185
1 Jesús Ibáñez, Daniel Anabitarte, Iker Azpeitia, Oscar Barrera, Arkaitz Barrutieta, Haritz Blanco, Francisco Echarte: Self-Inspection Based Reproduction in Cellular Automata. ECAL 1995: 564-576

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Anabitarte [1]
2Ruth Aylett [4] [6] [7] [14] [15] [21] [25]
3Iker Azpeitia [1] [3]
4Oscar Barrera [1]
5Arkaitz Barrutieta [1]
6Simon Bee [21]
7Haritz Blanco [1]
8Josep Blat [8] [9] [13] [19]
9Carlos Delgado-Mata [6] [14] [17] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [31]
10José Diez [11]
11Carlos Ramon Pantaleon Dionisio [10]
12Francisco Echarte [1]
13Deniz Erdogmus [16]
14David García [19] [29] [30] [31]
15Felipe Gómez-Caballero [24]
16Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta (Antonio Fernandez Gómez-Skarmeta) [2] [8] [9] [13]
17Oscar Miguel Guillén-Hernández [24]
18Fernando Jiménez [2]
19Frederic Kleinermann [27]
20Marcelino Lázaro [5]
21David Luengo [10]
22Haithem Mansouri [27]
23Beatriz Molinuevo [25]
24David García Narbona [28]
25Raquel Navarro [19]
26Carlos Pantaleón [5] [11]
27Bram Pellens [27]
28Jesús Pérez [12] [22]
29David J. Perez-Blanco [22]
30José Carlos Príncipe (José C. Príncipe, Jose C. Principe) [16]
31Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte [4] [7] [14] [21]
32Ignacio Santamaría [5] [10] [11] [12] [16] [22]
33Oscar Serrano [19] [28] [29] [30] [31]
34Olga De Troyer [27]
35Luis Vielva [5] [10] [11] [12] [16] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)