
Francisco Echarte

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4EEFrancisco Echarte, José Javier Astrain, Alberto Córdoba, Jesús E. Villadangos: Improving folksonomies quality by syntactic tag variations grouping. SAC 2009: 1226-1230
3EEFrancisco Echarte, José Javier Astrain, Alberto Córdoba, Jesús E. Villadangos: Pattern Matching Techniques to Identify Syntactic Variations of Tags in Folksonomies. WSKS (1) 2008: 557-564
2EEFrancisco Echarte, José Javier Astrain, Alberto Córdoba, Jesús E. Villadangos: Ontology of Folksonomy: A New Modelling Method. SAAKM 2007
1 Jesús Ibáñez, Daniel Anabitarte, Iker Azpeitia, Oscar Barrera, Arkaitz Barrutieta, Haritz Blanco, Francisco Echarte: Self-Inspection Based Reproduction in Cellular Automata. ECAL 1995: 564-576

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Anabitarte [1]
2José Javier Astrain [2] [3] [4]
3Iker Azpeitia [1]
4Oscar Barrera [1]
5Arkaitz Barrutieta [1]
6Haritz Blanco [1]
7Alberto Córdoba [2] [3] [4]
8Jesús Ibáñez (Jesús Ibáñez-Martínez) [1]
9Jesús E. Villadangos [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)