
Chih-Lin I

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5EEPeter W. C. Chan, Derek C. K. Lee, Frankie K. W. Tam, Chih-Lin I, Roger Shu Kwan Cheng, Vincent K. N. Lau: Angular-Domain Channel Model and Channel Estimation for MIMO System. GLOBECOM 2008: 3974-3978
4EEXueyuan Zhao, Zhengang Pan, Peter W. C. Chan, Chih-Lin I, Roger Shu Kwan Cheng, Vincent K. N. Lau: Degradation in Convolutionally Coded V-BLAST System and A Performance Improvement Method. VTC Spring 2008: 544-548
3 Gregory P. Pollini, Chih-Lin I: A Profile-Based Location Strategy and Its Performance. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(8): 1415-1424 (1997)
2EEChih-Lin I, Gregory P. Pollini, Richard D. Gitlin: PCS mobility management using the reverse virtual call setup algorithm. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 5(1): 13-24 (1997)
1 Chih-Lin I, Larry J. Greenstein, Richard D. Gitlin: A Microcell/Macrocell Cellular Architecture for Low- and High-Mobility Wireless Users. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(6): 885-891 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Peter W. C. Chan [4] [5]
2Roger Shu Kwan Cheng [4] [5]
3Richard D. Gitlin [1] [2]
4Larry J. Greenstein [1]
5Vincent K. N. Lau [4] [5]
6Derek C. K. Lee [5]
7Zhengang Pan [4]
8Gregory P. Pollini [2] [3]
9Frankie K. W. Tam [5]
10Xueyuan Zhao [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)