
Peter W. C. Chan

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7EEPeter W. C. Chan, Derek C. K. Lee, Frankie K. W. Tam, Chih-Lin I, Roger Shu Kwan Cheng, Vincent K. N. Lau: Angular-Domain Channel Model and Channel Estimation for MIMO System. GLOBECOM 2008: 3974-3978
6EEXueyuan Zhao, Zhengang Pan, Peter W. C. Chan, Chih-Lin I, Roger Shu Kwan Cheng, Vincent K. N. Lau: Degradation in Convolutionally Coded V-BLAST System and A Performance Improvement Method. VTC Spring 2008: 544-548
5EEPeter W. C. Chan, Z. G. Pan, Xueyuan Zhao, C. M. Lo, Kai Zhang, Derek C. K. Lee: Methodology for Mode Selection in MIMO-OFDM System. WCNC 2008: 1166-1171
4EEErnest S. Lo, Peter W. C. Chan, Vincent K. N. Lau, Roger S. Cheng, Khaled Ben Letaief, Ross D. Murch, Wai Ho Mow: Adaptive Resource Allocation and Capacity Comparison of Downlink Multiuser MIMO-MC-CDMA and MIMO-OFDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(3): 1083-1093 (2007)
3EELingfan Weng, Edward K. S. Au, Peter W. C. Chan, Ross D. Murch, Roger S. Cheng, Wai Ho Mow, Vincent K. N. Lau: Effect of Carrier Frequency Offset on Channel Estimation for SISO/MIMO-OFDM Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(5): 1854-1863 (2007)
2EEPeter W. C. Chan, Roger S. Cheng: Capacity Maximization for Zero-Forcing MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Systems with Multiuser Diversity. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(5): 1880-1889 (2007)
1EEPeter W. C. Chan, Ernest S. Lo, Vincent K. N. Lau, Roger S. Cheng, Khaled Ben Letaief, Ross D. Murch, Wai Ho Mow: Performance Comparison of Downlink Multiuser MIMO-OFDMA and MIMO-MC-CDMA with Transmit Side Information - Multi-Cell Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(6): 2193-2203 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Edward K. S. Au [3]
2Roger S. Cheng [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Roger Shu Kwan Cheng [6] [7]
4Chih-Lin I [6] [7]
5Vincent K. N. Lau [1] [3] [4] [6] [7]
6Derek C. K. Lee [5] [7]
7Khaled Ben Letaief [1] [4]
8C. M. Lo [5]
9Ernest S. Lo [1] [4]
10Wai Ho Mow [1] [3] [4]
11Ross D. Murch [1] [3] [4]
12Z. G. Pan [5]
13Zhengang Pan [6]
14Frankie K. W. Tam [7]
15Lingfan Weng [3]
16Kai Zhang [5]
17Xueyuan Zhao [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)