
Seokjoong Hwang

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9EEJoon Goo Lee, Dongha Jung, Jiho Chu, Seokjoong Hwang, Jong-Kook Kim, Janam Ku, Seon Wook Kim: Applying passive RFID system to wireless headphones for extreme low power consumption. DAC 2008: 486-491
8EESeokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim, Jong-Kook Kim: Virtual Memory and Buffer Storage. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
7EEYoungsun Han, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim: A Reconfigurable Processor Infrastructure for Accelerating Java Applications. IEICE Transactions 91-A(8): 2091-2100 (2008)
6EEHuong Giang Nguyen, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim: Compiler Construction for Lockstep Execution of Multithreaded Processors. CIT 2007: 829-834
5EEJoon Goo Lee, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim: Performance Study of Anti-collision Algorithms for EPC-C1 Gen2 RFID Protocol. ICOIN 2007: 523-532
4EESeokjoong Hwang, Joon Goo Lee, Seon Wook Kim, Sunshin Ahn, Si-Gyung Koo, Jihun Koo, Kyung Ho Park, WooShik Kang: A Multi-protocol Baseband Modem Processor for a Mobile RFID Reader. EUC 2006: 785-794
3EEYoungsun Han, Shinyoung Kim, Hokwon Kim, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim: Code Generation and Optimization for Java-to-C Compilers. EUC Workshops 2006: 785-794
2EEYoungsun Han, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim: Jaguar: a compiler infrastructure for Java reconfigurable computing. FPGA 2006: 228
1 Inho Park, Hong-Wook Choi, Youngsun Han, Seokjoong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim, Kyung Park: Implementation of the Software Distributed Shared-Memory System on the InfiniBand. PDPTA 2004: 1273-1279

Coauthor Index

1Sunshin Ahn [4]
2Hong-Wook Choi [1]
3Jiho Chu [9]
4Youngsun Han [1] [2] [3] [7]
5Dongha Jung [9]
6WooShik Kang [4]
7Hokwon Kim [3]
8Jong-Kook Kim [8] [9]
9Seon Wook Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
10Shinyoung Kim [3]
11Jihun Koo [4]
12Si-Gyung Koo [4]
13Janam Ku [9]
14Joon Goo Lee [4] [5] [9]
15Huong Giang Nguyen [6]
16Inho Park [1]
17Kyung Park [1]
18Kyung Ho Park [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)