
Curtis M. Humphrey

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4EECurtis M. Humphrey, Julie A. Adams: General visualization abstraction algorithm for geographic map-based human-robot interfaces. HRI 2009: 289-290
3EECurtis M. Humphrey, Julie A. Adams: Compass visualizations for human-robotic interaction. HRI 2008: 49-56
2EEMichael A. Goodrich, Bryan S. Morse, Damon Gerhardt, Joseph L. Cooper, Morgan Quigley, Julie A. Adams, Curtis M. Humphrey: Supporting wilderness search and rescue using a camera-equipped mini UAV. J. Field Robotics 25(1-2): 89-110 (2008)
1EECurtis M. Humphrey, Christopher Henk, George Sewell, Brian W. Williams, Julie A. Adams: Assessing the scalability of a multiple robot interface. HRI 2007: 239-246

Coauthor Index

1Julie A. Adams [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Joseph L. Cooper [2]
3Damon Gerhardt [2]
4Michael A. Goodrich [2]
5Christopher Henk [1]
6Bryan S. Morse [2]
7Morgan Quigley [2]
8George Sewell [1]
9Brian W. Williams [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)