
Wilhelm Huisinga

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4EEAndrea Y. Weiße, Illia Horenko, Wilhelm Huisinga: Adaptive Approach for Modelling Variability in Pharmacokinetics. CompLife 2006: 194-204
3EERegina Telgmann, Max von Kleist, Wilhelm Huisinga: Software Supported Modelling in Pharmacokinetics. CompLife 2006: 216-225
2EEIllia Horenko, Sönke Lorenz, Christof Schütte, Wilhelm Huisinga: Adaptive approach for nonlinear sensitivity analysis of reaction kinetics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(9): 941-948 (2005)
1EEWilhelm Huisinga, Christoph Best, Rainer Roitzsch, Christof Schütte, Frank Cordes: From simulation data to conformational ensembles: Structure and dynamics-based methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(16): 1760-1774 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Best [1]
2Frank Cordes [1]
3Illia Horenko [2] [4]
4Max von Kleist [3]
5Sönke Lorenz [2]
6Rainer Roitzsch [1]
7Christof Schütte [1] [2]
8Regina Telgmann [3]
9Andrea Y. Weiße [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)