
Illia Horenko

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5EEAlexander Fischer, Sonja Waldhausen, Illia Horenko, Eike Meerbach, Christof Schütte: Identification of biomolecular conformations from incomplete torsion angle observations by hidden markov models. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(15): 2453-2464 (2007)
4EEAndrea Y. Weiße, Illia Horenko, Wilhelm Huisinga: Adaptive Approach for Modelling Variability in Pharmacokinetics. CompLife 2006: 194-204
3EEIllia Horenko, Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg, Christof Schütte: Set-Oriented Dimension Reduction: Localizing Principal Component Analysis Via Hidden Markov Models. CompLife 2006: 74-85
2EEIllia Horenko, Sönke Lorenz, Christof Schütte, Wilhelm Huisinga: Adaptive approach for nonlinear sensitivity analysis of reaction kinetics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(9): 941-948 (2005)
1EEIllia Horenko, Martin Weiser: Adaptive integration of molecular dynamics. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(15): 1921-1929 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Fischer [5]
2Wilhelm Huisinga [2] [4]
3Sönke Lorenz [2]
4Eike Meerbach [5]
5Johannes Schmidt-Ehrenberg [3]
6Christof Schütte [2] [3] [5]
7Sonja Waldhausen [5]
8Martin Weiser [1]
9Andrea Y. Weiße [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)