
Christoph Best

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3EEChristoph Best, M. Peardon, Norbert Eicker, P. Ueberholz, Thomas Lippert, Klaus Schilling: Lattice Field Theory on Cluster Computers: Vector- Vs. Cache-Centric Programming. IWCC 1999: 312-319
2EEChristoph Best: A simple C++ library for manipulating scientific data sets as structured data CoRR cs.CE/9907043: (1999)
1EEWilhelm Huisinga, Christoph Best, Rainer Roitzsch, Christof Schütte, Frank Cordes: From simulation data to conformational ensembles: Structure and dynamics-based methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(16): 1760-1774 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Frank Cordes [1]
2Norbert Eicker [3]
3Wilhelm Huisinga [1]
4Thomas Lippert [3]
5M. Peardon [3]
6Rainer Roitzsch [1]
7Klaus Schilling [3]
8Christof Schütte [1]
9P. Ueberholz [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)