
Cheng Hsu

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21EECheng Hsu, James C. Spohrer: Improving service quality and productivity: exploring the digital connections scaling model. IJSTM 11(3): 272-292 (2009)
20EECheng Hsu: Scaling with digital connection: Services innovation. SMC 2007: 4057-4061
19EECheng Hsu, D. M. Levermore, Christopher D. Carothers, Gilbert Babin: Enterprise Collaboration: On-Demand Information Exchange Using Enterprise Databases, Wireless Sensor Networks, and RFID Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(4): 519-532 (2007)
18EEMark Dausch, Cheng Hsu: Engineering service products: the case of mass-customising service agreements for heavy equipment industry. IJSTM 7(1): 32-51 (2006)
17EEVeera Boonjing, Cheng Hsu: A New Feasible Natural Language Database Query Method. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 15(2): 323-330 (2006)
16 Veera Boonjing, Cheng Hsu: Natural Language Interaction Using a Scalable Reference Dictionary. NLDB 2003: 42-55
15 Veera Boonjing, Cheng Hsu: Metadata Search: A New Approach to Natural Language Database Interfaces. ISDB 2002: 68-73
14EELester Yee, Cheng Hsu: A Virtual Reality Interface to an Enterprise Metadatabase. ER 1997: 436-449
13EEM'hamed Bouziane, Cheng Hsu: A Rulebase Management System Using Conceptual Rule Modeling. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 6(1): 37-61 (1997)
12EEWaiman Cheung, Cheng Hsu: The Model-Assisted Global Query System for Multiple Databases in Distributed Enterprises. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 14(4): 421-470 (1996)
11EESomendra Pant, Cheng Hsu: Business on the Web: Strategies and Economics. Computer Networks 28(7-11): 1481-1492 (1996)
10EEGilbert Babin, Cheng Hsu: Decomposition of Knowledge for Concurrent Processing. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(5): 758-772 (1996)
9EECheng Hsu, Laurie Rattner: Metadatabase Solutions for Enterprise Information Integration Problems. DATA BASE 24(1): 23-35 (1993)
8EECheng Hsu, Gilbert Babin, Lester Yee, M'hamed Bouziane, Waiman Cheung, Laurie Rattner: Metadatabase modeling for enterprise information integration. Journal of Systems Integration 2(1): 5-37 (1992)
7EECheng Hsu, M'hamed Bouziane, Laurie Rattner, Lester Yee: Information Resources Management in Heterogeneous, Distributed Environments: A Metadatabase Approach. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(6): 604-625 (1991)
6EECheng Hsu: The Metadatabase Project at Rensselaer. SIGMOD Record 20(4): 83-90 (1991)
5 Cheng Hsu, M'hamed Bouziane, Waiman Cheung, Javier Nogues, Laurie Rattner, Lester Yee: A Metadata System for Information Modeling and Integration. ICSI 1990: 616-624
4EECheng Hsu, Roberto Ciampoli, Edwin Marison, Norbert Meissner, Erik G. Nilsson, Frederick N. Springsteel: The CASE Boom: Decadence or Renaissance of Methodologies? - Panel. ER 1988: 71-86
3EECheng Hsu, Alvaro Perry, M'hamed Bouziane, Waiman Cheung: TSER: A Data Modeling System Using the Two-Stage Entity-Relationship Approach. ER 1987: 497-514
2EECheng Hsu: A decision support system for database evolution using data model independent architecture. Computers & OR 13(4): 427-436 (1986)
1EECheng Hsu: Structured Database System Analysis and Design through Entity Relationship Approach. ER 1985: 56-63

Coauthor Index

1Gilbert Babin [8] [10] [19]
2Veera Boonjing [15] [16] [17]
3M'hamed Bouziane [3] [5] [7] [8] [13]
4Christopher D. Carothers [19]
5Waiman Cheung [3] [5] [8] [12]
6Roberto Ciampoli [4]
7Mark Dausch [18]
8D. M. Levermore [19]
9Edwin Marison [4]
10Norbert Meissner [4]
11Erik G. Nilsson [4]
12Javier Nogues [5]
13Somendra Pant [11]
14Alvaro Perry [3]
15Laurie Rattner [5] [7] [8] [9]
16James C. Spohrer (Jim Spohrer) [21]
17Frederick N. Springsteel [4]
18Lester Yee [5] [7] [8] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)